1. W. Favoreel, V. Sima, S. Van Huffel, M. Verhaegen, B. De Moor "Subspace Model Identification of Linear Systems in SLICOT", SLICOT Working Note 1998-6, Sept. 1998.
  2. B. Haverkamp "Efficient Implementation of Subspace Method Identification", Niconet Report 1999-3, Jan. 1999.
  3. A. van den Boom, T. Backx, Y. Zhu "Benchmarks for Identification", NICONET Report 1999-19, July 2000.
  4. V. Sima "SLICOT Linear Systems Identification Toolbox", SLICOT Working Note 2000-4, July 2000.
  5. R. Schneider, A. Riedel, V. Verdult, M. Verhaegen, V. Sima "SLICOT System Identification Toolbox for Nonlinear Wiener Systems", SLICOT Working Note 2002-6, June 2002.

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