- A. Varga "Selection of Basic Software Tools for Standard and Generalized State-space Systems and Transfer Matrix Factorizations", SLICOT Working Note 1998-3, June 1998.
- A. Varga and P. Van Dooren "Summary report of topic I.A.", SLICOT Working Note 1999-17, November 1999.
- V. Mehrmann, V. Sima, A. Varga and H. Xu "A MATLAB MEX-file environment of SLICOT", SLICOT Working Note 1999-11, August 1999.
- V. Mehrmann and T. Penzl "Benchmark collections in SLICOT", SLICOT Working Note 1998-5, June 1998.
- D. Kressner, V. Mehrmann and T. Penzl "CTDSX - a collection of benchmarks for state-space realizations of continuous-time dynamical systems", SLICOT Working Note 1998-9, November 1998.
- D. Kressner, V. Mehrmann and T. Penzl "DTDSX - a collection of benchmarks for state-space realizations of discrete-time dynamical systems", SLICOT Working Note 1998-10, November 1998.
- D. Kressner, V. Mehrmann and T. Penzl "CTLEX - a collection of benchmarks examples for continuous-time Lyapunov equations", SLICOT Working Note 1999-6, June 1999.
- D. Kressner, V. Mehrmann and T. Penzl "DTLEX - a collection of benchmarks examples for discrete-time Lyapunov equations", SLICOT Working Note 1999-7, June 1999.
- P. Van Dooren "Selection of Basic Software Tools for Structured Matrix Decompositions and Perturbations", SLICOT Working Note 1999-9, June 1999.
- D. Kressner and P. Van Dooren "Factorizations and linear system solvers for matrices with Toeplitz structure", SLICOT Working Note 2000-2, June 2000.
- M. Slowik, P. Benner, and V. Sima "Evaluation of the Linear Matrix Equation Solvers in SLICOT", SLICOT Working Note 2004-1, September 2004.
- P. Benner, D. Kressner, V, Sima, and A. Varga "The SLICOT Toolboxes - a Survey", SLICOT Working Note 2009-1, August 2009.
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