SLICOT Basic Systems and Control Toolbox includes SLICOT-based MATLAB and Fortran tools for solving efficiently and reliably various basic computational problems for linear time-invariant multivariable systems analysis and synthesis. Standard and generalised (descriptor) state space systems are covered.

The main functionalities of the toolbox include:

  • similarity and equivalence transformations for standard and descriptor systems
    • essential computations with structured matrices, including
    • eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian matrix or of a skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian pencil
    • Periodic Hessenberg and periodic Schur decompositions
  • computations with (block) Toeplitz matrices and systems
  • analysis of standard and descriptor systems
  • solution of Lyapunov and Riccati equations with condition estimation
  • coprime factorization and spectral decomposition of transfer-function matrices

The toolbox main features are:

  • computational reliability
  • high numerical efficiency using latest algorithmic developments, structure exploiting algorithms, and dedicated linear algebra tools
  • flexibility and easy-of-use;
  • standardized interfaces

The programs have been extensively tested on various test examples and are fully documented.

SLICOT Toolboxes for MATLAB are subject to a license fee and require an individual license agreement. Find detailed information here or contact the SLICOT Administration directly.

Vasile Sima,  March 10, 2005  Updated: November 29, 2010