Vicente Hernandez, Ignacio Blanquer, Enrique Arias, and Pedro Ruiz

SLICOT Working Note 2000-3: July 2000.

In this report an interface system for the execution of several widely-used integrator packages for the solving of Ordinary Differential Equations and Diffferential Algebraic Equations is presented. This package offers a SLICOT-compliant unique interface to the packages ODEPACK (LSODE, LSODA, LSODES, LSODI, LSOIBT), DASSL, RADAU5, DASPK and GELDA. All the parameters have been standarised to allow a quick change from one package to another and to take profit of the different capabilities of the different packages. The interface has also been migrated to MATLAB offering the possibility of defining the system functions as MATLAB m-files, using the FORTRAN compiled solver packages instead of the MATLAB funcions. The source code of the system can be downloaded from the SLICOT repository.