To find a state-space representation (A,B,C,D) with the same transfer matrix T(s) as that of a given left or right polynomial matrix representation, i.e. C*inv(sI-A)*B + D = T(s) = inv(P(s))*Q(s) = Q(s)*inv(P(s)).Specification
Mode Parameters
LERI CHARACTER*1 Indicates whether a left polynomial matrix representation or a right polynomial matrix representation is input as follows: = 'L': A left matrix fraction is input; = 'R': A right matrix fraction is input.Input/Output Parameters
M (input) INTEGER The number of system inputs. M >= 0. P (input) INTEGER The number of system outputs. P >= 0. INDEX (input) INTEGER array, dimension (MAX(M,P)) If LERI = 'L', INDEX(I), I = 1,2,...,P, must contain the maximum degree of the polynomials in the I-th row of the denominator matrix P(s) of the given left polynomial matrix representation. If LERI = 'R', INDEX(I), I = 1,2,...,M, must contain the maximum degree of the polynomials in the I-th column of the denominator matrix P(s) of the given right polynomial matrix representation. PCOEFF (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDPCO1,LDPCO2,kpcoef), where kpcoef = MAX(INDEX(I)) + 1. If LERI = 'L' then porm = P, otherwise porm = M. The leading porm-by-porm-by-kpcoef part of this array must contain the coefficients of the denominator matrix P(s). PCOEFF(I,J,K) is the coefficient in s**(INDEX(iorj)-K+1) of polynomial (I,J) of P(s), where K = 1,2,...,kpcoef; if LERI = 'L' then iorj = I, otherwise iorj = J. Thus for LERI = 'L', P(s) = diag(s**INDEX(I))*(PCOEFF(.,.,1)+PCOEFF(.,.,2)/s+...). If LERI = 'R', PCOEFF is modified by the routine but restored on exit. LDPCO1 INTEGER The leading dimension of array PCOEFF. LDPCO1 >= MAX(1,P) if LERI = 'L', LDPCO1 >= MAX(1,M) if LERI = 'R'. LDPCO2 INTEGER The second dimension of array PCOEFF. LDPCO2 >= MAX(1,P) if LERI = 'L', LDPCO2 >= MAX(1,M) if LERI = 'R'. QCOEFF (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDQCO1,LDQCO2,kpcoef) If LERI = 'L' then porp = M, otherwise porp = P. The leading porm-by-porp-by-kpcoef part of this array must contain the coefficients of the numerator matrix Q(s). QCOEFF(I,J,K) is defined as for PCOEFF(I,J,K). If LERI = 'R', QCOEFF is modified by the routine but restored on exit. LDQCO1 INTEGER The leading dimension of array QCOEFF. LDQCO1 >= MAX(1,P) if LERI = 'L', LDQCO1 >= MAX(1,M,P) if LERI = 'R'. LDQCO2 INTEGER The second dimension of array QCOEFF. LDQCO2 >= MAX(1,M) if LERI = 'L', LDQCO2 >= MAX(1,M,P) if LERI = 'R'. N (output) INTEGER The order of the resulting state-space representation. porm That is, N = SUM INDEX(I). I=1 RCOND (output) DOUBLE PRECISION The estimated reciprocal of the condition number of the leading row (if LERI = 'L') or the leading column (if LERI = 'R') coefficient matrix of P(s). If RCOND is nearly zero, P(s) is nearly row or column non-proper. A (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) The leading N-by-N part of this array contains the state dynamics matrix A. LDA INTEGER The leading dimension of array A. LDA >= MAX(1,N). B (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,MAX(M,P)) The leading N-by-M part of this array contains the input/state matrix B; the remainder of the leading N-by-MAX(M,P) part is used as internal workspace. LDB INTEGER The leading dimension of array B. LDB >= MAX(1,N). C (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC,N) The leading P-by-N part of this array contains the state/output matrix C; the remainder of the leading MAX(M,P)-by-N part is used as internal workspace. LDC INTEGER The leading dimension of array C. LDC >= MAX(1,M,P). D (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDD,MAX(M,P)) The leading P-by-M part of this array contains the direct transmission matrix D; the remainder of the leading MAX(M,P)-by-MAX(M,P) part is used as internal workspace. LDD INTEGER The leading dimension of array D. LDD >= MAX(1,M,P).Workspace
IWORK INTEGER array, dimension (2*MAX(M,P)) DWORK DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDWORK) On exit, if INFO = 0, DWORK(1) returns the optimal value of LDWORK. LDWORK INTEGER The length of the array DWORK. LDWORK >= MAX(1,MAX(M,P)*(MAX(M,P)+4)). For optimum performance LDWORK should be larger.Error Indicator
INFO INTEGER = 0: successful exit; < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value; = 1: if P(s) is not row (if LERI = 'L') or column (if LERI = 'R') proper. Consequently, no state-space representation is calculated.Method
The method for a left matrix fraction will be described here; right matrix fractions are dealt with by obtaining the dual left polynomial matrix representation and constructing an equivalent state-space representation for this. The first step is to check if the denominator matrix P(s) is row proper; if it is not then the routine returns with the Error Indicator (INFO) set to 1. Otherwise, Wolovich's Observable Structure Theorem is used to construct a state-space representation (A,B,C,D) in observable companion form. The sizes of the blocks of matrix A and matrix C here are precisely the row degrees of P(s), while their 'non-trivial' columns are given easily from its coefficients. Similarly, the matrix D is obtained from the leading coefficients of P(s) and of the numerator matrix Q(s), while matrix B is given by the relation Sbar(s)B = Q(s) - P(s)D, where Sbar(s) is a polynomial matrix whose (j,k)(th) element is given by j-u(k-1)-1 ( s , j = u(k-1)+1,u(k-1)+2,....,u(k) Sbar = ( j,k ( 0 , otherwise k u(k) = SUM d , k = 1,2,...,M and d ,d ,...,d are the i=1 i 1 2 M controllability indices. For convenience in solving this, C' and B are initially set up to contain the coefficients of P(s) and Q(s), respectively, stored by rows.References
[1] Wolovich, W.A. Linear Multivariate Systems, (Theorem 4.3.3). Springer-Verlag, 1974.Numerical Aspects
3 The algorithm requires 0(N ) operations.Further Comments
Program Text
* TC04AD EXAMPLE PROGRAM TEXT * Copyright (c) 2002-2017 NICONET e.V. * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NIN, NOUT PARAMETER ( NIN = 5, NOUT = 6 ) INTEGER MMAX, PMAX, KPCMAX, NMAX PARAMETER ( MMAX = 5, PMAX = 5, KPCMAX = 5, NMAX = 5 ) INTEGER MAXMP PARAMETER ( MAXMP = MAX( MMAX, PMAX ) ) INTEGER LDPCO1, LDPCO2, LDQCO1, LDQCO2, LDA, LDB, LDC, $ LDD PARAMETER ( LDPCO1 = MAXMP, LDPCO2 = MAXMP, $ LDQCO1 = MAXMP, LDQCO2 = MAXMP, $ LDA = NMAX, LDB = NMAX, LDC = MAXMP, $ LDD = MAXMP ) INTEGER LIWORK PARAMETER ( LIWORK = 2*MAXMP ) INTEGER LDWORK PARAMETER ( LDWORK = ( MAXMP )*( MAXMP+4 ) ) * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION RCOND INTEGER I, INFO, J, K, KPCOEF, M, N, P, PORM, PORP CHARACTER*1 LERI LOGICAL LLERI * .. Local Arrays .. DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA,NMAX), B(LDB,MAXMP), C(LDC,NMAX), $ D(LDD,MAXMP), PCOEFF(LDPCO1,LDPCO2,KPCMAX), $ QCOEFF(LDQCO1,LDQCO2,KPCMAX), DWORK(LDWORK) INTEGER INDEX(MAXMP), IWORK(LIWORK) * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL TC04AD * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. Executable Statements .. * WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99999 ) * Skip the heading in the data file and read the data. READ ( NIN, FMT = '()' ) READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) M, P, LERI LLERI = LSAME( LERI, 'L' ) IF ( M.LE.0 .OR. M.GT.MMAX ) THEN WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99991 ) M ELSE IF ( P.LE.0 .OR. P.GT.PMAX ) THEN WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99990 ) P ELSE PORM = P IF ( .NOT.LLERI ) PORM = M READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( INDEX(I), I = 1,PORM ) PORP = M IF ( .NOT.LLERI ) PORP = P KPCOEF = 0 DO 20 I = 1, PORM KPCOEF = MAX( KPCOEF, INDEX(I) ) 20 CONTINUE KPCOEF = KPCOEF + 1 IF ( KPCOEF.LE.0 .OR. KPCOEF.GT.KPCMAX ) THEN WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99989 ) KPCOEF ELSE READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) $ ( ( ( PCOEFF(I,J,K), K = 1,KPCOEF ), J = 1,PORM ), $ I = 1,PORM ) READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) $ ( ( ( QCOEFF(I,J,K), K = 1,KPCOEF ), J = 1,PORP ), $ I = 1,PORM ) * Find a ssr of the given left pmr. CALL TC04AD( LERI, M, P, INDEX, PCOEFF, LDPCO1, LDPCO2, $ QCOEFF, LDQCO1, LDQCO2, N, RCOND, A, LDA, B, $ LDB, C, LDC, D, LDD, IWORK, DWORK, LDWORK, $ INFO ) * IF ( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99998 ) INFO ELSE WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99997 ) N, RCOND WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99996 ) DO 40 I = 1, N WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( A(I,J), J = 1,N ) 40 CONTINUE WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99994 ) DO 60 I = 1, N WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( B(I,J), J = 1,M ) 60 CONTINUE WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99993 ) DO 80 I = 1, P WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( C(I,J), J = 1,N ) 80 CONTINUE WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99992 ) DO 100 I = 1, P WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( D(I,J), J = 1,M ) 100 CONTINUE END IF END IF END IF STOP * 99999 FORMAT (' TC04AD EXAMPLE PROGRAM RESULTS',/1X) 99998 FORMAT (' INFO on exit from TC04AD = ',I2) 99997 FORMAT (' The order of the resulting state-space representation ', $ ' = ',I2,//' RCOND = ',F4.2) 99996 FORMAT (/' The state dynamics matrix A is ') 99995 FORMAT (20(1X,F8.4)) 99994 FORMAT (/' The input/state matrix B is ') 99993 FORMAT (/' The state/output matrix C is ') 99992 FORMAT (/' The direct transmission matrix D is ') 99991 FORMAT (/' M is out of range.',/' M = ',I5) 99990 FORMAT (/' P is out of range.',/' P = ',I5) 99989 FORMAT (/' KPCOEF is out of range.',/' KPCOEF = ',I5) ENDProgram Data
TC04AD EXAMPLE PROGRAM DATA 2 2 L 2 2 2.0 3.0 1.0 4.0 -1.0 -1.0 5.0 7.0 -6.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 -1.0 5.0 1.0 7.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 -1.0Program Results
TC04AD EXAMPLE PROGRAM RESULTS The order of the resulting state-space representation = 4 RCOND = 0.25 The state dynamics matrix A is 0.0000 0.5714 0.0000 -0.4286 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 -2.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.7857 1.0000 -1.7143 The input/state matrix B is 8.0000 3.8571 4.0000 4.0000 -9.0000 5.0000 4.0000 -5.0714 The state/output matrix C is 0.0000 -0.2143 0.0000 0.2857 0.0000 0.3571 0.0000 -0.1429 The direct transmission matrix D is -1.0000 0.9286 2.0000 -0.2143