To reduce the system state matrix A to an upper real Schur form by using an orthogonal similarity transformation A <-- U'*A*U and to apply the transformation to the matrices B and C: B <-- U'*B and C <-- C*U.Specification
SUBROUTINE TB01WD( N, M, P, A, LDA, B, LDB, C, LDC, U, LDU, $ WR, WI, DWORK, LDWORK, INFO ) C .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, LDB, LDC, LDU, LDWORK, M, N, P C .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA,*), B(LDB,*), C(LDC,*), DWORK(*), U(LDU,*), $ WI(*), WR(*)Arguments
Input/Output Parameters
N (input) INTEGER The order of the original state-space representation, i.e. the order of the matrix A. N >= 0. M (input) INTEGER The number of system inputs, or of columns of B. M >= 0. P (input) INTEGER The number of system outputs, or of rows of C. P >= 0. A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) On entry, the leading N-by-N part of this array must contain the original state dynamics matrix A. On exit, the leading N-by-N part of this array contains the matrix U' * A * U in real Schur form. The elements below the first subdiagonal are set to zero. Note: A matrix is in real Schur form if it is upper quasi-triangular with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 blocks. 2-by-2 blocks are standardized in the form [ a b ] [ c a ] where b*c < 0. The eigenvalues of such a block are a +- sqrt(bc). LDA INTEGER The leading dimension of array A. LDA >= MAX(1,N). B (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,M) On entry, the leading N-by-M part of this array must contain the input matrix B. On exit, the leading N-by-M part of this array contains the transformed input matrix U' * B. LDB INTEGER The leading dimension of array B. LDB >= MAX(1,N). C (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC,N) On entry, the leading P-by-N part of this array must contain the output matrix C. On exit, the leading P-by-N part of this array contains the transformed output matrix C * U. LDC INTEGER The leading dimension of array C. LDC >= MAX(1,P). U (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDU,N) The leading N-by-N part of this array contains the orthogonal transformation matrix used to reduce A to the real Schur form. The columns of U are the Schur vectors of matrix A. LDU INTEGER The leading dimension of array U. LDU >= max(1,N). WR, WI (output) DOUBLE PRECISION arrays, dimension (N) WR and WI contain the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the computed eigenvalues of A. The eigenvalues will be in the same order that they appear on the diagonal of the output real Schur form of A. Complex conjugate pairs of eigenvalues will appear consecutively with the eigenvalue having the positive imaginary part first.Workspace
DWORK DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDWORK) On exit, if INFO = 0, DWORK(1) returns the optimal value of LDWORK. LDWORK INTEGER The dimension of working array DWORK. LWORK >= 3*N. For optimum performance LDWORK should be larger.Error Indicator
INFO INTEGER = 0: successful exit; < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value; > 0: if INFO = i, the QR algorithm failed to compute all the eigenvalues; elements i+1:N of WR and WI contain those eigenvalues which have converged; U contains the matrix which reduces A to its partially converged Schur form.Method
Matrix A is reduced to a real Schur form using an orthogonal similarity transformation A <- U'*A*U. Then, the transformation is applied to the matrices B and C: B <-- U'*B and C <-- C*U.Numerical Aspects
3 The algorithm requires about 10N floating point operations.Further Comments
Program Text
* TB01WD EXAMPLE PROGRAM TEXT * Copyright (c) 2002-2017 NICONET e.V. * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NIN, NOUT PARAMETER ( NIN = 5, NOUT = 6 ) INTEGER NMAX, MMAX, PMAX PARAMETER ( NMAX = 20, MMAX = 20, PMAX = 20 ) INTEGER LDA, LDB, LDC, LDU PARAMETER ( LDA = NMAX, LDB = NMAX, LDC = PMAX, $ LDU = NMAX ) INTEGER LDWORK PARAMETER ( LDWORK = 3*NMAX ) * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, INFO, J, M, N, P * .. Local Arrays .. DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA,NMAX), B(LDB,MMAX), C(LDC,NMAX), $ DWORK(LDWORK), U(LDU,NMAX), WI(NMAX), WR(NMAX) * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL TB01WD * .. Executable Statements .. * WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99999 ) * Skip the heading in the data file and read the data. READ ( NIN, FMT = '()' ) READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) N, M, P IF ( N.LT.0 .OR. N.GT.NMAX ) THEN WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99990 ) N ELSE READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( A(I,J), J = 1,N ), I = 1,N ) IF ( M.LT.0 .OR. M.GT.MMAX ) THEN WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99989 ) M ELSE READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( B(I,J), J = 1,M ), I = 1, N ) IF ( P.LT.0 .OR. P.GT.PMAX ) THEN WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99988 ) P ELSE READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( C(I,J), J = 1,N ), I = 1,P ) * Find the transformed ssr for (A,B,C). CALL TB01WD( N, M, P, A, LDA, B, LDB, C, LDC, U, LDU, $ WR, WI, DWORK, LDWORK, INFO ) * IF ( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99998 ) INFO ELSE WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99997 ) DO 10 I = 1, N WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99994 ) WR(I), WI(I) 10 CONTINUE WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99996 ) DO 20 I = 1, N WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( A(I,J), J = 1,N ) 20 CONTINUE WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99993 ) DO 40 I = 1, N WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( B(I,J), J = 1,M ) 40 CONTINUE WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99992 ) DO 60 I = 1, P WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( C(I,J), J = 1,N ) 60 CONTINUE WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99991 ) DO 70 I = 1, N WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( U(I,J), J = 1,N ) 70 CONTINUE END IF END IF END IF END IF STOP * 99999 FORMAT (' TB01WD EXAMPLE PROGRAM RESULTS',/1X) 99998 FORMAT (' INFO on exit from TB01WD = ',I2) 99997 FORMAT (' The eigenvalues of state dynamics matrix A are ') 99996 FORMAT (/' The transformed state dynamics matrix U''*A*U is ') 99995 FORMAT (20(1X,F8.4)) 99994 FORMAT ( ' (',F8.4,', ',F8.4,' )') 99993 FORMAT (/' The transformed input/state matrix U''*B is ') 99992 FORMAT (/' The transformed state/output matrix C*U is ') 99991 FORMAT (/' The similarity transformation matrix U is ') 99990 FORMAT (/' N is out of range.',/' N = ',I5) 99989 FORMAT (/' M is out of range.',/' M = ',I5) 99988 FORMAT (/' P is out of range.',/' P = ',I5) ENDProgram Data
TB01WD EXAMPLE PROGRAM DATA (Continuous system) 5 2 3 -0.04165 4.9200 -4.9200 0 0 -1.387944 -3.3300 0 0 0 0.5450 0 0 -0.5450 0 0 0 4.9200 -0.04165 4.9200 0 0 0 -1.387944 -3.3300 0 0 3.3300 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.3300 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0Program Results
TB01WD EXAMPLE PROGRAM RESULTS The eigenvalues of state dynamics matrix A are ( -0.7483, 2.9940 ) ( -0.7483, -2.9940 ) ( -1.6858, 2.0311 ) ( -1.6858, -2.0311 ) ( -1.8751, 0.0000 ) The transformed state dynamics matrix U'*A*U is -0.7483 -8.6406 0.0000 0.0000 1.1745 1.0374 -0.7483 0.0000 0.0000 -2.1164 0.0000 0.0000 -1.6858 5.5669 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.7411 -1.6858 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.8751 The transformed input/state matrix U'*B is -0.5543 0.5543 -1.6786 1.6786 -0.8621 -0.8621 2.1912 2.1912 -1.5555 1.5555 The transformed state/output matrix C*U is 0.6864 -0.0987 0.6580 0.2589 -0.1381 -0.0471 0.6873 0.0000 0.0000 -0.7249 -0.6864 0.0987 0.6580 0.2589 0.1381 The similarity transformation matrix U is 0.6864 -0.0987 0.6580 0.2589 -0.1381 -0.1665 -0.5041 -0.2589 0.6580 -0.4671 -0.0471 0.6873 0.0000 0.0000 -0.7249 -0.6864 0.0987 0.6580 0.2589 0.1381 0.1665 0.5041 -0.2589 0.6580 0.4671