Eigenvalues and orthogonal decomposition of a real skew-Hamiltonian/skew-Hamiltonian pencil

[Specification] [Arguments] [Method] [References] [Comments] [Example]


  To compute the eigenvalues of a real N-by-N skew-Hamiltonian/
  skew-Hamiltonian pencil aS - bT with

        (  A  D  )         (  B  F  )
    S = (        ) and T = (        ).                           (1)
        (  E  A' )         (  G  B' )

  Optionally, if JOB = 'T', the pencil aS - bT will be transformed
  to the structured Schur form: an orthogonal transformation matrix
  Q is computed such that

                  (  Aout  Dout  )
    J Q' J' S Q = (              ), and
                  (   0    Aout' )
                  (  Bout  Fout  )            (  0  I  )
    J Q' J' T Q = (              ), where J = (        ),
                  (   0    Bout' )            ( -I  0  )

  Aout is upper triangular, and Bout is upper quasi-triangular. The
  notation M' denotes the transpose of the matrix M.
  Optionally, if COMPQ = 'I' or COMPQ = 'U', the orthogonal
  transformation matrix Q will be computed.

     $                   LDFG, Q, LDQ, ALPHAR, ALPHAI, BETA, IWORK,
     $                   DWORK, LDWORK, INFO )
C     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      CHARACTER          COMPQ, JOB
C     .. Array Arguments ..
      DOUBLE PRECISION   A( LDA, * ), ALPHAI( * ), ALPHAR( * ),
     $                   B( LDB, * ), BETA( * ), DE( LDDE, * ),
     $                   DWORK( * ), FG( LDFG, * ), Q( LDQ, * )
      INTEGER            IWORK( * )


Mode Parameters

          Specifies the computation to be performed, as follows:
          = 'E':  compute the eigenvalues only; S and T will not
                  necessarily be put into skew-Hamiltonian
                  triangular form (2);
          = 'T':  put S and T into skew-Hamiltonian triangular form
                  (2), and return the eigenvalues in ALPHAR, ALPHAI
                  and BETA.

          Specifies whether to compute the orthogonal transformation
          matrix Q as follows:
          = 'N':  Q is not computed;
          = 'I':  the array Q is initialized internally to the unit
                  matrix, and the orthogonal matrix Q is returned;
          = 'U':  the array Q contains an orthogonal matrix Q0 on
                  entry, and the product Q0*Q is returned, where Q
                  is the product of the orthogonal transformations
                  that are applied to the pencil aS - bT to reduce
                  S and T to the forms in (2), for COMPQ = 'I'.

Input/Output Parameters
  N       (input) INTEGER
          The order of the pencil aS - bT.  N >= 0, even.

  A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
                         (LDA, N/2)
          On entry, the leading N/2-by-N/2 part of this array must
          contain the matrix A.
          On exit, if JOB = 'T', the leading N/2-by-N/2 part of this
          array contains the matrix Aout; otherwise, it contains
          meaningless elements, except for the diagonal blocks,
          which are correctly set.

          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= MAX(1, N/2).

  DE      (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
                         (LDDE, N/2+1)
          On entry, the leading N/2-by-N/2 strictly lower triangular
          part of this array must contain the strictly lower
          triangular part of the skew-symmetric matrix E, and the
          N/2-by-N/2 strictly upper triangular part of the submatrix
          in the columns 2 to N/2+1 of this array must contain the
          strictly upper triangular part of the skew-symmetric
          matrix D.
          The entries on the diagonal and the first superdiagonal of
          this array are not referenced, but are assumed to be zero.
          On exit, if JOB = 'T', the leading N/2-by-N/2 strictly
          upper triangular part of the submatrix in the columns
          2 to N/2+1 of this array contains the strictly upper
          triangular part of the skew-symmetric matrix Dout.
          If JOB = 'E', the leading N/2-by-N/2 strictly upper
          triangular part of the submatrix in the columns 2 to N/2+1
          of this array contains the strictly upper triangular part
          of the skew-symmetric matrix D just before the application
          of the QZ algorithm. The remaining entries are

          The leading dimension of the array DE.
          LDDE >= MAX(1, N/2).

  B       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
                         (LDB, N/2)
          On entry, the leading N/2-by-N/2 part of this array must
          contain the matrix B.
          On exit, if JOB = 'T', the leading N/2-by-N/2 part of this
          array contains the matrix Bout; otherwise, it contains
          meaningless elements, except for the diagonal 1-by-1 and
          2-by-2 blocks, which are correctly set.

          The leading dimension of the array B.  LDB >= MAX(1, N/2).

  FG      (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
                         (LDFG, N/2+1)
          On entry, the leading N/2-by-N/2 strictly lower triangular
          part of this array must contain the strictly lower
          triangular part of the skew-symmetric matrix G, and the
          N/2-by-N/2 strictly upper triangular part of the submatrix
          in the columns 2 to N/2+1 of this array must contain the
          strictly upper triangular part of the skew-symmetric
          matrix F.
          The entries on the diagonal and the first superdiagonal of
          this array are not referenced, but are assumed to be zero.
          On exit, if JOB = 'T', the leading N/2-by-N/2 strictly
          upper triangular part of the submatrix in the columns
          2 to N/2+1 of this array contains the strictly upper
          triangular part of the skew-symmetric matrix Fout.
          If JOB = 'E', the leading N/2-by-N/2 strictly upper
          triangular part of the submatrix in the columns 2 to N/2+1
          of this array contains the strictly upper triangular part
          of the skew-symmetric matrix F just before the application
          of the QZ algorithm. The remaining entries are

          The leading dimension of the array FG.
          LDFG >= MAX(1, N/2).

  Q       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDQ, N)
          On entry, if COMPQ = 'U', then the leading N-by-N part of
          this array must contain a given matrix Q0, and on exit,
          the leading N-by-N part of this array contains the product
          of the input matrix Q0 and the transformation matrix Q
          used to transform the matrices S and T.
          On exit, if COMPQ = 'I', then the leading N-by-N part of
          this array contains the orthogonal transformation matrix
          If COMPQ = 'N', this array is not referenced.

          The leading dimension of the array Q.
          LDQ >= 1,         if COMPQ = 'N';
          LDQ >= MAX(1, N), if COMPQ = 'I' or COMPQ = 'U'.

  ALPHAR  (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N/2)
          The real parts of each scalar alpha defining an eigenvalue
          of the pencil aS - bT.

  ALPHAI  (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N/2)
          The imaginary parts of each scalar alpha defining an
          eigenvalue of the pencil aS - bT.
          If ALPHAI(j) is zero, then the j-th eigenvalue is real; if
          positive, then the j-th and (j+1)-st eigenvalues are a
          complex conjugate pair.

  BETA    (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N/2)
          The scalars beta that define the eigenvalues of the pencil
          aS - bT.
          Together, the quantities alpha = (ALPHAR(j),ALPHAI(j)) and
          beta = BETA(j) represent the j-th eigenvalue of the pencil
          aS - bT, in the form lambda = alpha/beta. Since lambda may
          overflow, the ratios should not, in general, be computed.
          Due to the skew-Hamiltonian/skew-Hamiltonian structure of
          the pencil, every eigenvalue occurs twice and thus it has
          only to be saved once in ALPHAR, ALPHAI and BETA.

  IWORK   INTEGER array, dimension (N/2+1)
          On exit, IWORK(1) contains the number of (pairs of)
          possibly inaccurate eigenvalues, q <= N/2, and the
          absolute values in IWORK(2), ..., IWORK(q+1) are their
          indices, as well as of the corresponding diagonal blocks.
          Specifically, a positive value is an index of a real
          eigenvalue, corresponding to a 1-by-1 block pair, while
          the absolute value of a negative entry in IWORK is an
          index to the first eigenvalue in a pair of consecutively
          stored eigenvalues, corresponding to a 2-by-2 block pair.

  DWORK   DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDWORK)
          On exit, if INFO = 0, DWORK(1) returns the optimal LDWORK;
          DWORK(2) and DWORK(3) contain the Frobenius norms of the
          matrices S and T on entry. These norms are used in the
          tests to decide that some eigenvalues are considered as
          On exit, if INFO = -19, DWORK(1) returns the minimum
          value of LDWORK.

          The dimension of the array DWORK.
          LDWORK >= MAX(3,N/2),        if JOB = 'E' and COMPQ = 'N';
          LDWORK >= MAX(3,N**2/4+N/2), if JOB = 'T' and COMPQ = 'N';
          LDWORK >= MAX(1,3*N**2/4),   if               COMPQ<> 'N'.
          For good performance LDWORK should generally be larger.

          If LDWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed;
          the routine only calculates the optimal size of the
          DWORK array, returns this value as the first entry of
          the DWORK array, and no error message related to LDWORK
          is issued by XERBLA.

Error Indicator
          = 0: succesful exit;
          < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value;
          = 1: QZ iteration failed in the LAPACK Library routine
               DHGEQZ. (QZ iteration did not converge or computation
               of the shifts failed.)
          = 2: warning: the pencil is numerically singular.

  The algorithm uses Givens rotations and Householder reflections to
  annihilate elements in S and T such that S is in skew-Hamiltonian
  triangular form and T is in skew-Hamiltonian Hessenberg form:

      (  A1  D1  )      (  B1  F1  )
  S = (          ), T = (          ),
      (   0  A1' )      (   0  B1' )

  where A1 is upper triangular and B1 is upper Hessenberg.
  Subsequently, the QZ algorithm is applied to the pencil aA1 - bB1
  to determine orthogonal matrices Q1 and Q2 such that
  Q2' A1 Q1 is upper triangular and Q2' B1 Q1 is upper quasi-
  See also page 40 in [1] for more details.

  [1] Benner, P., Byers, R., Mehrmann, V. and Xu, H.
      Numerical Computation of Deflating Subspaces of Embedded
      Hamiltonian Pencils.
      Tech. Rep. SFB393/99-15, Technical University Chemnitz,
      Germany, June 1999.

Numerical Aspects
  The algorithm is numerically backward stable and needs O(N )
  real floating point operations.

Further Comments

Program Text

*     Copyright (c) 2002-2017 NICONET e.V.
*     .. Parameters ..
      INTEGER            NIN, NOUT
      PARAMETER          ( NIN = 5, NOUT = 6 )
      INTEGER            NMAX
      PARAMETER          ( NMAX = 50 )
      PARAMETER          ( LDA  = NMAX/2, LDB = NMAX/2, LDDE = NMAX/2,
     $                     LDFG = NMAX/2, LDQ = NMAX, LDWORK =
     $                     3*NMAX*NMAX/4 )
*     .. Local Scalars ..
      CHARACTER          COMPQ, JOB
      INTEGER            I, INFO, J, N
*     .. Local Arrays ..
     $                   ALPHAR( NMAX/2 ),  B( LDB, NMAX/2 ),
     $                   BETA( NMAX/2 ),  DE( LDDE, NMAX/2+1 ),
     $                   DWORK( LDWORK ), FG( LDFG, NMAX/2+1 ),
     $                   Q( LDQ, NMAX )
      INTEGER            IWORK( NMAX/2+1 )
*     .. External Functions ..
      LOGICAL            LSAME
      EXTERNAL           LSAME
*     .. External Subroutines ..
      EXTERNAL           MB04FD
*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
      INTRINSIC          MOD
*     .. Executable statements ..
      WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99999 )
*     Skip first line in data file.
      READ( NIN, FMT = * )
      READ( NIN, FMT = * ) JOB, COMPQ, N
      READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( (  A( I, J ), J = 1, N/2 ),   I = 1, N/2 )
      READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( DE( I, J ), J = 1, N/2+1 ), I = 1, N/2 )
      READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( (  B( I, J ), J = 1, N/2 ),   I = 1, N/2 )
      READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( FG( I, J ), J = 1, N/2+1 ), I = 1, N/2 )
      IF( LSAME( COMPQ, 'U' ) )
     $   READ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( Q( I, J ), J = 1, N ), I = 1, N )
      IF( N.LT.0 .OR. N.GT.NMAX .OR. MOD( N, 2 ).NE.0 ) THEN
         WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99998 ) N
*        Test of MB04FD.
     $                Q, LDQ, ALPHAR, ALPHAI, BETA, IWORK, DWORK,
     $                LDWORK, INFO )
         IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN
            WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99997 ) INFO
            IF( LSAME( JOB, 'T' ) ) THEN
               WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99996 )
               DO 10 I = 1, N/2
                  WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( A( I, J ), J = 1, N/2 )
   10          CONTINUE
            END IF
            WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99994 )
            DO 20 I = 1, N/2
               WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( DE( I, J ), J = 1, N/2+1 )
   20       CONTINUE
            IF( LSAME( JOB, 'T' ) ) THEN
               WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99993 )
               DO 30 I = 1, N/2
                  WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( B( I, J ), J = 1, N/2 )
   30          CONTINUE
            END IF
            WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99992 )
            DO 40 I = 1, N/2
               WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( FG( I, J ), J = 1, N/2+1 )
   40       CONTINUE
            IF( .NOT.LSAME( COMPQ, 'N' ) ) THEN
               WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99991 )
               DO 50 I = 1, N
                  WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( Q( I, J ), J = 1, N )
   50          CONTINUE
            END IF
            WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99990 )
            WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( ALPHAR(I), I = 1, N/2 )
            WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) ( ALPHAI(I), I = 1, N/2 )
            WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 99995 ) (   BETA(I), I = 1, N/2 )
         END IF
      END IF
99998 FORMAT ( 'N is out of range.', /, 'N = ', I5 )
99997 FORMAT ( 'INFO on exit from MB04FD = ', I2 )
99996 FORMAT (/' The transformed matrix A is' )
99995 FORMAT ( 51( 1X, F8.4 ) )
99994 FORMAT (/' The transformed matrix DE is' )
99993 FORMAT (/' The transformed matrix B is' )
99992 FORMAT (/' The transformed matrix FG is' )
99991 FORMAT (/' The transformed matrix Q is ' )
99990 FORMAT (/' The real, imaginary, and beta parts of eigenvalues are'
     $       )
Program Data
   T   I  8
    0.8147    0.6323    0.9575    0.9571
    0.9057    0.0975    0.9648    0.4853
    0.1269    0.2784    0.1576    0.8002
    0.9133    0.5468    0.9705    0.1418
    0.4217    0.6557    0.6787    0.6554    0.2769
    0.9157    0.0357    0.7577    0.1711    0.0461
    0.7922    0.8491    0.7431    0.7060    0.0971
    0.9594    0.9339    0.3922    0.0318    0.8234
    0.6948    0.4387    0.1868    0.7093
    0.3170    0.3815    0.4897    0.7546
    0.9502    0.7655    0.4455    0.2760
    0.0344    0.7951    0.6463    0.6797
    0.6550    0.9597    0.7512    0.8909    0.1492
    0.1626    0.3403    0.2550    0.9592    0.2575
    0.1189    0.5852    0.5059    0.5472    0.8407
    0.4983    0.2238    0.6990    0.1386    0.2542
Program Results

 The transformed matrix A is
   0.0550  -0.3064   0.1543   0.2170
   0.0000   1.2189   0.3267  -1.3622
   0.0000   0.0000   0.7734  -0.6215
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   2.5172

 The transformed matrix DE is
   0.4217   0.6557   0.4277  -0.2877  -0.3980
  -1.5448   0.0357   0.7577  -0.2582  -0.4775
   0.3220   1.1004   0.7431   0.7060  -1.1102
   0.3899   0.3463   0.4843   0.0318   0.8234

 The transformed matrix B is
   0.8482  -0.4425  -0.3643   0.8333
   0.0000  -0.5919  -0.0987  -0.7923
   0.0000   0.0000   1.1021   0.1926
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   1.9788

 The transformed matrix FG is
   0.6550   0.9597   0.3266  -0.6059  -0.9618
  -0.3151   0.3403   0.2550  -0.4771  -0.3005
   0.1987  -0.0141   0.5059   0.5472  -0.4172
   0.7914   0.0371   0.0000   0.1386   0.2542

 The transformed matrix Q is 
   0.0762   0.7824  -0.2771  -0.5526   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.1786  -0.2450   0.4261  -0.5360   0.1843  -0.5857   0.2437  -0.0522
  -0.2452   0.1425   0.4831  -0.0742  -0.1834  -0.0856  -0.6529   0.4620
  -0.2123  -0.3870  -0.6431  -0.2548   0.3061  -0.1791  -0.2518   0.3707
  -0.4085   0.0154   0.0784  -0.0738   0.3908   0.0160  -0.3950  -0.7157
   0.6418  -0.2868   0.0258  -0.3305  -0.0286   0.4768  -0.3901  -0.1253
  -0.0077  -0.1340  -0.2740  -0.0534  -0.7708  -0.3910  -0.1981  -0.3432
  -0.5275  -0.2394   0.1131  -0.4684  -0.3018   0.4869   0.3216   0.0252

 The real, imaginary, and beta parts of eigenvalues are
   0.8482  -0.5919   1.1021   1.9788
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0550   1.2189   0.7734   2.5172

Return to index