Eigenvalues of a complex Hamiltonian matrix

[Specification] [Arguments] [Method] [References] [Comments] [Example]


  To compute the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian matrix,

                [  A   G  ]         H        H
          H  =  [       H ],   G = G ,  Q = Q ,                  (1)
                [  Q  -A  ]

  where A, G and Q are complex n-by-n matrices.

  Due to the structure of H, if lambda is an eigenvalue, then
  -conjugate(lambda) is also an eigenvalue. This does not mean that
  purely imaginary eigenvalues are necessarily multiple. The routine
  computes the eigenvalues of H using an embedding to a real skew-
  Hamiltonian matrix He,

                 [  Ae   Ge  ]            T            T
          He  =  [         T ],   Ge = -Ge ,   Qe = -Qe ,        (2)
                 [  Qe   Ae  ]

  where Ae, Ge, and Qe are real 2*n-by-2*n matrices, defined by

                 [   Im(A)   Re(A)  ]
          Ae  =  [                  ],
                 [  -Re(A)   Im(A)  ]

                 [  triu(Im(G))     Re(G)     ]
     triu(Ge) =  [                            ],
                 [       0       triu(Im(G))  ]

                 [  tril(Im(Q))       0       ]
     tril(Qe) =  [                            ], 
                 [     -Re(Q)    tril(Im(Q))  ]

  and triu and tril denote the upper and lower triangle,
  respectively. Then, an orthogonal symplectic matrix Ue is used to
  reduce He to the structured real Schur form

        T          [  Se   De ]            T
       Ue He Ue =  [        T ],   De = -De ,                    (3)
                   [  0    Se ]

  where Ue is a 4n-by-4n real symplectic matrix, and Se is upper
  quasi-triangular (real Schur form).

  Optionally, if JOB = 'S', or JOB = 'G', the matrix i*He is further
  transformed to the structured complex Schur form

        H            [  Sc  Gc ]           H
       U (i*He) U =  [       H ],   Gc = Gc ,                    (4)
                     [  0  -Sc ]

  where U is a 4n-by-4n unitary symplectic matrix, and Sc is upper
  triangular (Schur form).

  The algorithm is backward stable and preserves the spectrum
  structure in finite precision arithmetic.

  Optionally, a symplectic balancing transformation to improve the
  conditioning of eigenvalues is computed (see the SLICOT Library
  routine MB04DZ). In this case, the matrix He in decompositions (3)
  and (4) must be replaced by the balanced matrix.

     $                   LDU1, U2, LDU2, WR, WI, ILO, SCALE, DWORK,
     $                   LDWORK, ZWORK, LZWORK, BWORK, INFO )
C     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      INTEGER            ILO, INFO, LDA, LDQG, LDU1, LDU2, LDWORK,
     $                   LZWORK, N
C     .. Array Arguments ..
      LOGICAL            BWORK( * )
      DOUBLE PRECISION   DWORK( * ), SCALE( * ), WI( * ), WR( * )
      COMPLEX*16         A( LDA, * ), QG( LDQG, * ), U1( LDU1, * ),
     $                   U2( LDU2, * ), ZWORK( * )


Mode Parameters

          Indicates how H should be diagonally scaled and/or
          permuted to reduce its norm.
          = 'N': Do not diagonally scale or permute;
          = 'P': Perform symplectic permutations to make the matrix
                 closer to skew-Hamiltonian Schur form. Do not
                 diagonally scale;
          = 'S': Diagonally scale the matrix, i.e., replace A, G and
                 Q by D*A*D**(-1), D*G*D and D**(-1)*Q*D**(-1) where
                 D is a diagonal matrix chosen to make the rows and
                 columns of H more equal in norm. Do not permute;
          = 'B': Both diagonally scale and permute A, G and Q.
          Permuting does not change the norm of H, but scaling does.

          Indicates whether the user wishes to compute the full
          decomposition (4) or the eigenvalues only, as follows:
          = 'E': compute the eigenvalues only;
          = 'S': compute the matrix Sc of (4);
          = 'G': compute the matrices Sc and Gc of (4).

          Indicates whether or not the user wishes to compute the
          symplectic matrix Ue of (3), if JOB = 'E', or U of (4),
          if JOB = 'S' or JOB = 'G', as follows:
          = 'N': the matrix Ue or U is not computed;
          = 'U': the matrix Ue or U is computed.

Input/Output Parameters
  N       (input) INTEGER
          The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0.

  A       (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDA,K)
          where K = N, if JOB = 'E', and K = 2*N, if JOB <> 'E'.
          On entry, the leading N-by-N part of this array must
          contain the matrix A.
          On exit, if JOB = 'E', the leading N-by-N part of this
          array is unchanged, if BALANC = 'N', or it contains the
          balanced (permuted and/or scaled) matrix A, if
          BALANC <> 'N'.
          On exit, if JOB = 'S' or JOB = 'G', the leading 2*N-by-2*N
          upper triangular part of this array contains the matrix Sc
          (complex Schur form) of decomposition (4).

          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,K).

  QG      (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension
          On entry, the leading N-by-N+1 part of this array must
          contain in columns 1:N the lower triangular part of the
          matrix Q and in columns 2:N+1 the upper triangular part
          of the matrix G.
          On exit, if JOB <> 'G', the leading N-by-N+1 part of this
          array is unchanged, if BALANC = 'N', or it contains the
          balanced (permuted and/or scaled) parts of the matrices
          Q and G (as above), if BALANC <> 'N'.
          On exit, JOB = 'G', the leading 2*N-by-2*N upper
          triangular part of this array contains the upper
          triangular part of the matrix Gc in the decomposition (4).

          The leading dimension of the array QG.  LDQG >= max(1,K).

  U1      (output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDU1,2*N)
          On exit, if JOB = 'S' or JOB = 'G', and JOBU = 'U', the
          leading 2*N-by-2*N part of this array contains the (1,1)
          block of the unitary symplectic matrix U of the
          decomposition (4).
          If JOB = 'E' or JOBU = 'N', this array is not referenced.

          The leading dimension of the array U1.  LDU1 >= 1.
          LDU1 >= 2*N,    if JOBU = 'U'.

  U2      (output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDU2,2*N)
          On exit, if JOB = 'S' or JOB = 'G', and JOBU = 'U', the
          leading 2*N-by-2*N part of this array contains the (1,2)
          block of the unitary symplectic matrix U of the
          decomposition (4).
          If JOB = 'E' or JOBU = 'N', this array is not referenced.

          The leading dimension of the array U2.  LDU2 >= 1.
          LDU2 >= 2*N,    if JOBU = 'U'.

  WR      (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2*N)
  WI      (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2*N)
          On exit, the leading 2*N elements of WR and WI contain the
          real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the eigenvalues
          of the Hamiltonian matrix H.

  ILO     (output) INTEGER
          ILO is an integer value determined when H was balanced.
          The balanced A(I,J) = 0 if I > J and J = 1,...,ILO-1.
          The balanced Q(I,J) = 0 if J = 1,...,ILO-1 or
          I = 1,...,ILO-1.

  SCALE   (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
          On exit, if BALANC <> 'N', the leading N elements of this
          array contain details of the permutation and/or scaling
          factors applied when balancing H, see MB04DZ.
          This array is not referenced if BALANC = 'N'.

  DWORK   DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDWORK)
          On exit, if INFO = 0,  DWORK(1)  returns the optimal
          value of LDWORK, and   DWORK(2)  returns the 1-norm of the
          (scaled, if BALANC = 'S' or 'B') Hamiltonian matrix.
          Moreover, the next locations of this array have the
          following content:
          - The leading 2*N-by-2*N upper Hessenberg part in the
          locations 3:2+4*N*N contains the upper Hessenberg part of
          the real Schur matrix Se in the decomposition (3);
          - the leading 2*N-by-2*N upper triangular part in the
          locations 3+4*N*N+2*N:2+8*N*N+2*N contains the upper
          triangular part of the skew-symmetric matrix De in the
          decomposition (3).
          - If JOBU = 'U', the leading 2*N-by-2*N part in the
          locations 3+8*N*N+2*N:2+12*N*N+2*N contains the (1,1)
          block of the orthogonal symplectic matrix Ue of
          decomposition (3).
          - the leading 2*N-by-2*N part in the locations
          3+12*N*N+2*N:2+16*N*N+2*N contains the (2,1) block of the
          orthogonal symplectic matrix Ue.
          On exit, if  INFO = -18,  DWORK(1)  returns the minimum
          value of LDWORK.

          The dimension of the array DWORK.
          LDWORK >= MAX( 12*N**2 + 4*N, 8*N**2 + 12*N ) + 2,
                                 if JOB = 'E' and JOBU = 'N';
          LDWORK >= MAX( 2, 12*N**2 + 4*N, 8*N**2 + 12*N ),
                                 if JOB = 'S' or 'G' and JOBU = 'N';
          LDWORK >= 20*N**2 + 12*N + 2,
                                 if JOB = 'E' and JOBU = 'U';
          LDWORK >= MAX( 2, 20*N**2 + 12*N ),
                                 if JOB = 'S' or 'G' and JOBU = 'U'.
          For good performance, LDWORK must generally be larger.

          If LDWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed;
          the routine only calculates the optimal size of the
          DWORK array, returns this value as the first entry of
          the DWORK array, and no error message related to LDWORK
          is issued by XERBLA.

  ZWORK   COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LZWORK)
          On exit, if INFO = 0,  ZWORK(1)  returns the optimal
          value of LZWORK.
          On exit, if  INFO = -20,  ZWORK(1)  returns the minimum
          value of LZWORK.

          The dimension of the array ZWORK.
          LZWORK >= 1,                  if JOB = 'E';
          LZWORK >= MAX( 1, 12*N - 6 ), if JOB = 'S' and JOBU = 'N';
          LZWORK >= MAX( 1, 12*N - 2 ), if JOB = 'G' or  JOBU = 'U'.

          If LZWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed;
          the routine only calculates the optimal size of the
          ZWORK array, returns this value as the first entry of
          the ZWORK array, and no error message related to LZWORK
          is issued by XERBLA.

  BWORK   LOGICAL array, dimension (LBWORK)
          LBWORK >= 0,     if JOB = 'E';
          LBWORK >= 2*N-1, if JOB = 'S' or JOB = 'G'.

Error Indicator
           = 0:  successful exit;
           < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal
           > 0:  if INFO = i, the QR algorithm failed to compute
                 all the eigenvalues; elements i+1:2*N of WR and
                 WI contain eigenvalues which have converged;
           = 2*N+1:  the QR algorithm failed to compute the
                 eigenvalues of a 2-by-2 real block.

  First, the extended matrix He in (2) is built. Then, the
  structured real Schur form in (3) is computed, using the SLICOT
  Library routine MB03XS. The eigenvalues of Se immediately give
  the eigenvalues of H. Finally, if required, Se is further
  transformed by using the complex QR algorithm to triangularize
  its 2-by-2 blocks, and Ge and U are updated, to obtain (4).

  [1] Van Loan, C.F.
      A symplectic method for approximating all the eigenvalues of
      a Hamiltonian matrix.
      Linear Algebra and its Applications, 61, pp. 233-251, 1984.

Further Comments

Program Text

*     Copyright (c) 2002-2017 NICONET e.V.
*     .. Parameters ..
      PARAMETER        ( ZER = 0.0D0 )
      COMPLEX*16       ZERO, ONE
      PARAMETER        ( ZERO = (0.0D0,0.0D0), ONE = (1.0D0,0.0D0) )
      INTEGER          NIN, NOUT
      PARAMETER        ( NIN = 5, NOUT = 6 )
      INTEGER          NMAX
      PARAMETER        ( NMAX = 100 )
     $                 LDU1, LDU2, LDWORK, LZWORK
      PARAMETER        ( LDA   = 2*NMAX, LDAE  = 2*NMAX, LDAS  = NMAX,
     $                   LDGE  = 2*NMAX, LDQG  = 2*NMAX, LDQGE = 2*NMAX,
     $                   LDQGS  = NMAX,  LDRES = 2*NMAX, LDU1  = 2*NMAX,
     $                   LDU2   = 2*NMAX,
     $                   LDWORK = 20*NMAX*NMAX + 12*NMAX + 2,
     $                   LZWORK = 12*NMAX - 2 )
*     .. Local Scalars ..
      INTEGER          I, ILO, INFO, J, M, N
*     .. Local Arrays ..
      COMPLEX*16       A(LDA, 2*NMAX), AE(LDAE, 2*NMAX), AS(LDAS, NMAX),
     $                 GE(LDGE, 2*NMAX), QG(LDQG, 2*NMAX+1),
     $                 QGE(LDQGE, 2*NMAX+1), QGS(LDQGS, NMAX+1),
     $                 RES(LDRES,2*NMAX), U1(LDU1,2*NMAX),
     $                 U2(LDU2,  2*NMAX), ZWORK(LZWORK)
     $                 WR(2*NMAX)
      LOGICAL          BWORK(2*NMAX)
*     .. External Functions ..
      LOGICAL          LSAME
*     .. External Subroutines ..
     $                 ZLASET
*     ..Intrinsic Functions..
*     .. Executable Statements ..
      WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99999 )
*     Skip the heading in the data file and read the data.
      READ ( NIN, FMT = '()' )
      READ ( NIN, FMT = * )  N, BALANC, JOB, JOBU
      IF ( N.LE.0 .OR. N.GT.NMAX ) THEN
         WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99990 ) N
         M = 2*N
         READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( A(I,J), J = 1,N ), I = 1,N )
         CALL ZLACPY( 'All', N, N, A, LDA, AS, LDAS )
         READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( QG(I,J), J = 1,N+1 ), I = 1,N )
         CALL ZLACPY( 'All', N, N+1, QG, LDQG, QGS, LDQGS )
*        Compute the eigenvalues and the transformed Hamiltonian matrix.
     $                U2, LDU2, WR, WI, ILO, SCALE, DWORK, LDWORK,
     $                ZWORK, LZWORK, BWORK, INFO )
         IF ( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN
            WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99998 ) INFO
            WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99997 )
            DO 10  I = 1, M
               WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99996 ) I, WR(I), WI(I)
   10       CONTINUE
            IF ( LSAME( JOB, 'S' ).OR.LSAME( JOB, 'G' ) ) THEN
               WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 )
               DO 20  I = 1, M
                  WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99992 ) ( A(I,J), J = 1,M )
   20          CONTINUE
            END IF
            IF ( LSAME( JOB, 'G' ) ) THEN
               WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99994 )
               DO 30  I = 1, M
                  WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99992 ) ( QG(I,J), J = 1,M )
   30          CONTINUE
            END IF
            IF ( LSAME( JOB, 'G' ).AND.LSAME( JOBU, 'U' ) ) THEN
*              Compute the residual of the formula (4) in MB03XZ.
               CALL MB04DZ( BALANC, N, AS, LDAS, QGS, LDQGS, I, DWORK,
     $                      INFO )
               CALL ZLASET( 'Lower', M-1, M-1, ZERO, ZERO, A(2,1), LDA )
               CALL MA02EZ( 'Upper', 'Conjugate', 'Not skew', M, QG,
     $                      LDQG )
*              Compute Ae, Ge, and Qe.
               DO 60  J = 1, N
                  DO 40  I = 1, N
                     AE(I,J) = DCMPLX( ZER, DIMAG( AS(I,J) ) )
   40             CONTINUE
                  DO 50  I = 1, N
                     AE(I+N,J) = -DCMPLX( ZER, DBLE( AS(I,J) ) )
   50             CONTINUE
   60          CONTINUE
               DO 90  J = 1, N
                  DO 70  I = 1, N
                     AE(I,J+N) = -AE(I+N,J)
   70             CONTINUE
                  DO 80  I = 1, N
                     AE(I+N,J+N) = AE(I,J)
   80             CONTINUE
   90          CONTINUE
               DO 120  J = 1, N+1
                  DO 100  I = 1, N
                     QGE(I,J) = DCMPLX( ZER, DIMAG( QGS(I,J) ) )
  100             CONTINUE
                  DO 110  I = J, N
                     QGE(I+N,J) = -DCMPLX( ZER, DBLE( QGS(I,J) ) )
  110             CONTINUE
  120          CONTINUE
               DO 150  J = 1, N
                  DO 130  I = 1, J
                     QGE(I,J+N+1) = DCMPLX( ZER, DBLE( QGS(I,J+1) ) )
  130             CONTINUE
                  DO 140  I = 1, N
                     QGE(I+N,J+N+1) = QGE(I,J+1)
  140             CONTINUE
  150          CONTINUE
               CALL ZCOPY( N, QGE, 1, QGE(N+1,N+1), 1 )
               CALL MA02EZ( 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Not Skew', N,
     $                      QGE(N+1,1), LDQGE )
               CALL MA02EZ( 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Not Skew', N,
     $                      QGE(1,N+2), LDQGE )
               CALL ZLACPY( 'Upper', M, M, QGE(1,2), LDQGE, GE, LDGE )
               CALL MA02EZ( 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Skew', M, GE, LDGE )
               CALL MA02EZ( 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Skew', M, QGE,
     $                      LDQGE )
*              Compute the residual of the (1,1) block in (4).
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M, ONE,
     $                     AE, LDAE, U1, LDU1, ZERO, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M,
     $                     -ONE, GE, LDGE, U2, LDU2, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M,
     $                     -ONE, U1, LDU1, A, LDA, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               TEMP = ZLANGE( 'Frobenius', M, M, RES, LDRES, DWORK )
*              Compute the residual of the (1,2) block in (4).
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M, ONE,
     $                     AE, LDAE, U2, LDU2, ZERO, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M, ONE,
     $                     GE, LDGE, U1, LDU1, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M,
     $                     -ONE, U1, LDU1, QG, LDQG, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'Conj Transpose', M, M, M,
     $                     ONE, U2, LDU2, A, LDA, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               TEMP = DLAPY2( TEMP, ZLANGE( 'Frobenius', M, M, RES,
     $                                      LDRES, DWORK ) )
*              Compute the residual of the (2,1) block in (4).
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M, ONE,
     $                     QGE, LDQGE, U1, LDU1, ZERO, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M,
     $                     -ONE, AE, LDAE, U2, LDU2, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M, ONE,
     $                     U2, LDU2, A, LDA, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               TEMP = DLAPY2( TEMP, ZLANGE( 'Frobenius', M, M, RES,
     $                                      LDRES, DWORK ) )
*              Compute the residual of the (2,2) block in (4).
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M, ONE,
     $                     QGE, LDQGE, U2, LDU2, ZERO, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M, ONE,
     $                     AE, LDAE, U1, LDU1, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'No Transpose', M, M, M, ONE,
     $                     U2, LDU2, QG, LDQG, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               CALL ZGEMM( 'No Transpose', 'Conj Transpose', M, M, M,
     $                     ONE, U1, LDU1, A, LDA, ONE, RES, LDRES )
               TEMP = DLAPY2( TEMP, ZLANGE( 'Frobenius', M, M, RES,
     $                                      LDRES, DWORK ) )
               WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99989 ) TEMP
            END IF
            IF ( .NOT.LSAME( JOB, 'E' ).AND.LSAME( JOBU, 'U' ) ) THEN
               WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99993 )
               DO 160  I = 1, M
                  WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99992 )
     $               ( U1(I,J), J = 1,M ), ( U2(I,J), J = 1,M )
  160          CONTINUE
               DO 170  I = 1, M
                  WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99992 )
     $               ( -U2(I,J), J = 1,M ), ( U1(I,J), J = 1,M )
  170          CONTINUE
               WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99988 ) MA02JZ( .FALSE., .FALSE., M,
     $                 U1, LDU1, U2, LDU2, RES, LDRES )
            END IF
            IF ( LSAME( BALANC, 'S' ).OR.LSAME( BALANC, 'B' ) ) THEN
               WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99991 )
               DO 180  I = 1, N
                  WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99996 ) I, SCALE(I)
  180          CONTINUE
            END IF
         END IF
      END IF
99998 FORMAT (' INFO on exit from MB03XZ = ',I2)
99997 FORMAT (' The eigenvalues are',//'   i',6X,
     $        'WR(i)',6X,'WI(i)',/)
99996 FORMAT (I4,3X,F8.4,3X,F8.4)
99995 FORMAT (/' The transformed matrix S is')
99994 FORMAT (/' The transformed matrix G is')
99993 FORMAT (/' The unitary symplectic factor U is')
99992 FORMAT (20(1X,F9.4,SP,F9.4,S,'i '))
99991 FORMAT (/' The diagonal scaling factors are ',//'   i',6X,
     $        'SCALE(i)',/)
99990 FORMAT (/' N is out of range.',/' N = ',I5)
99989 FORMAT (/' Residual: || i*He*U - U*Hc ||_F = ',G9.2)
99988 FORMAT (/' Orthogonality of U: || U^H U - I ||_F = ',G9.2)
Program Data
	4	N	G	U
   (0.8147,0.4217)   (0.6323,0.6557)   (0.9575,0.6787)   (0.9571,0.6554)
   (0.9057,0.9157)   (0.0975,0.0357)   (0.9648,0.7577)   (0.4853,0.1711)
   (0.1269,0.7922)   (0.2784,0.8491)   (0.1576,0.7431)   (0.8002,0.7060)
   (0.9133,0.9594)   (0.5468,0.9339)   (0.9705,0.3922)   (0.1418,0.0318)
    0.2769            0.6948           (0.4387,0.7513)   (0.1869,0.8909)   (0.7094,0.1493)
   (0.0462,0.1626)    0.3171            0.3816           (0.4898,0.9593)   (0.7547,0.2575)
   (0.0971,0.1190)   (0.9502,0.5853)    0.7655            0.4456           (0.2760,0.8407)         
   (0.8235,0.4984)   (0.0344,0.2238)   (0.7952,0.6991)    0.6463            0.6797
Program Results

 The eigenvalues are

   i      WR(i)      WI(i)

   1     3.0844     2.7519
   2    -3.0844     2.7519
   3     0.5241    -1.3026
   4    -0.5241    -1.3026
   5     0.8824    -0.6918
   6    -0.8824    -0.6918
   7     0.4459     0.4748
   8    -0.4459     0.4748

 The transformed matrix S is
    3.0844  +2.7519i     0.0618  +0.0000i    -0.1952  +0.1977i     0.0439  +0.0628i     0.0599  -0.0344i    -0.1543  -0.7126i    -0.3906  +0.3615i     0.2877  +0.5766i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i    -3.0844  +2.7519i    -0.0458  -0.0727i    -0.2607  +0.0867i     0.1505  -0.7137i    -0.0717  +0.0066i    -0.4008  +0.4356i     0.2819  +0.5317i 
    0.1269  +0.7922i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.5241  -1.3026i    -0.0175  +0.0350i    -0.0676  +0.1183i     0.3695  -0.0335i    -0.3138  -0.4268i     0.2973  -0.0042i 
    0.9133  +0.9594i     0.5468  +0.9339i     0.0000  +0.0000i    -0.5241  -1.3026i     0.1453  +0.3375i     0.0590  -0.1483i     0.2795  +0.3002i    -0.4594  -0.0099i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.8824  -0.6918i    -0.1193  +0.0000i    -0.1672  -0.0189i    -0.1008  -0.2026i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i    -0.8824  -0.6918i     0.0539  -0.1852i     0.1978  -0.0688i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.4459  +0.4748i     0.2987  +0.0000i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i    -0.4459  +0.4748i 

 The transformed matrix G is
   -0.2169  +0.0000i    -0.0022  +0.0000i    -0.2082  -0.0281i     0.0691  +0.0092i     0.0362  -0.0426i    -0.2374  +0.4904i    -0.2678  -0.5870i    -0.2567  +0.3258i 
    0.0462  +0.1626i     0.2169  +0.0000i     0.0128  -0.0651i    -0.0654  +0.2006i     0.2348  +0.4861i    -0.0545  -0.0706i     0.1557  +0.4895i     0.3329  -0.4499i 
    0.0971  +0.1190i     0.9502  +0.5853i     0.1341  +0.0000i    -0.0022  +0.0045i    -0.0232  +0.0320i     0.3395  -0.3847i    -0.0646  -0.2900i    -0.0920  -0.1605i 
    0.8235  +0.4984i     0.0344  +0.2238i     0.7952  +0.6991i    -0.1341  +0.0000i    -0.1893  +0.4728i     0.0127  -0.0720i    -0.0923  -0.0258i    -0.3361  +0.0706i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i    -0.5145  +0.0000i     0.0348  +0.0000i    -0.0662  -0.2049i     0.2987  -0.0488i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.5145  +0.0000i    -0.3004  +0.0327i    -0.0524  -0.2070i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0241  +0.0000i     0.0081  +0.0000i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i    -0.0241  +0.0000i 

 Residual: || i*He*U - U*Hc ||_F = .11E-13

 The unitary symplectic factor U is
   -0.3728  +0.1313i    -0.3766  -0.1300i     0.1039  +0.2714i     0.1856  +0.2134i     0.4599  -0.0392i     0.4298  +0.0419i     0.1896  +0.1017i     0.2634  -0.0732i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i 
   -0.3079  +0.0989i    -0.3110  -0.0979i    -0.0062  +0.0288i     0.0277  +0.0067i    -0.2041  +0.1907i    -0.1908  -0.2040i    -0.1357  -0.0260i    -0.1886  +0.0187i     0.0570  -0.0194i     0.0576  +0.0192i    -0.1622  +0.3576i     0.3834  +0.0034i     0.0436  +0.0676i     0.0408  -0.0723i    -0.2802  +0.1272i    -0.3893  -0.0915i 
   -0.2929  -0.0333i    -0.2958  +0.0330i     0.1727  -0.3337i    -0.3677  +0.0166i     0.1022  +0.0500i     0.0956  -0.0535i    -0.2588  -0.0951i    -0.3596  +0.0684i     0.0887  -0.0452i     0.0896  +0.0448i     0.0357  +0.0168i    -0.0021  +0.0404i    -0.0614  +0.0720i    -0.0574  -0.0770i     0.2713  -0.1920i     0.3769  +0.1382i 
   -0.3061  +0.1212i    -0.3092  -0.1200i    -0.1737  -0.1180i    -0.0210  -0.2121i    -0.3424  -0.1782i    -0.3201  +0.1906i     0.1698  +0.1487i     0.2359  -0.1070i     0.1763  -0.0047i     0.1781  +0.0046i     0.1017  -0.2162i    -0.2335  +0.0013i     0.1817  +0.0174i     0.1699  -0.0186i     0.0902  +0.1296i     0.1253  -0.0933i 
    0.1153  +0.3771i     0.1164  -0.3734i     0.3105  +0.0106i    -0.1350  +0.2928i    -0.0741  +0.3559i    -0.0692  -0.3808i     0.0178  +0.0002i     0.0247  -0.0002i    -0.0148  -0.0576i    -0.0150  +0.0570i     0.0145  -0.2255i    -0.2011  -0.0837i     0.0523  +0.0093i     0.0488  -0.0099i     0.0689  +0.2345i     0.0957  -0.1688i 
    0.0856  +0.3022i     0.0864  -0.2992i     0.1935  +0.0888i    -0.0133  +0.2179i    -0.1613  -0.2850i    -0.1508  +0.3049i    -0.0548  +0.2795i    -0.0761  -0.2011i    -0.0226  -0.1038i    -0.0228  +0.1027i     0.1693  +0.2699i     0.1539  +0.2735i    -0.1978  -0.0842i    -0.1849  +0.0901i     0.0400  -0.1732i     0.0556  +0.1246i 
   -0.0241  +0.2666i    -0.0243  -0.2639i    -0.3169  -0.0146i     0.1346  -0.3005i     0.0045  +0.1961i     0.0042  -0.2098i     0.0873  -0.3068i     0.1213  +0.2208i    -0.0669  -0.1453i    -0.0676  +0.1439i     0.1604  +0.0320i    -0.0469  +0.1627i    -0.0078  -0.1319i    -0.0073  +0.1411i    -0.0086  -0.4118i    -0.0120  +0.2963i 
    0.1102  +0.2727i     0.1113  -0.2699i    -0.2494  -0.0928i     0.0359  -0.2715i     0.1998  -0.2115i     0.1867  +0.2263i    -0.0988  -0.1334i    -0.1373  +0.0960i    -0.0318  -0.2136i    -0.0321  +0.2115i    -0.1467  +0.0498i     0.1110  -0.1148i    -0.0279  +0.2616i    -0.0261  -0.2799i     0.0611  +0.3196i     0.0849  -0.2300i 
    0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i     0.0000  +0.0000i    -0.3728  +0.1313i    -0.3766  -0.1300i     0.1039  +0.2714i     0.1856  +0.2134i     0.4599  -0.0392i     0.4298  +0.0419i     0.1896  +0.1017i     0.2634  -0.0732i 
   -0.0570  +0.0194i    -0.0576  -0.0192i     0.1622  -0.3576i    -0.3834  -0.0034i    -0.0436  -0.0676i    -0.0408  +0.0723i     0.2802  -0.1272i     0.3893  +0.0915i    -0.3079  +0.0989i    -0.3110  -0.0979i    -0.0062  +0.0288i     0.0277  +0.0067i    -0.2041  +0.1907i    -0.1908  -0.2040i    -0.1357  -0.0260i    -0.1886  +0.0187i 
   -0.0887  +0.0452i    -0.0896  -0.0448i    -0.0357  -0.0168i     0.0021  -0.0404i     0.0614  -0.0720i     0.0574  +0.0770i    -0.2713  +0.1920i    -0.3769  -0.1382i    -0.2929  -0.0333i    -0.2958  +0.0330i     0.1727  -0.3337i    -0.3677  +0.0166i     0.1022  +0.0500i     0.0956  -0.0535i    -0.2588  -0.0951i    -0.3596  +0.0684i 
   -0.1763  +0.0047i    -0.1781  -0.0046i    -0.1017  +0.2162i     0.2335  -0.0013i    -0.1817  -0.0174i    -0.1699  +0.0186i    -0.0902  -0.1296i    -0.1253  +0.0933i    -0.3061  +0.1212i    -0.3092  -0.1200i    -0.1737  -0.1180i    -0.0210  -0.2121i    -0.3424  -0.1782i    -0.3201  +0.1906i     0.1698  +0.1487i     0.2359  -0.1070i 
    0.0148  +0.0576i     0.0150  -0.0570i    -0.0145  +0.2255i     0.2011  +0.0837i    -0.0523  -0.0093i    -0.0488  +0.0099i    -0.0689  -0.2345i    -0.0957  +0.1688i     0.1153  +0.3771i     0.1164  -0.3734i     0.3105  +0.0106i    -0.1350  +0.2928i    -0.0741  +0.3559i    -0.0692  -0.3808i     0.0178  +0.0002i     0.0247  -0.0002i 
    0.0226  +0.1038i     0.0228  -0.1027i    -0.1693  -0.2699i    -0.1539  -0.2735i     0.1978  +0.0842i     0.1849  -0.0901i    -0.0400  +0.1732i    -0.0556  -0.1246i     0.0856  +0.3022i     0.0864  -0.2992i     0.1935  +0.0888i    -0.0133  +0.2179i    -0.1613  -0.2850i    -0.1508  +0.3049i    -0.0548  +0.2795i    -0.0761  -0.2011i 
    0.0669  +0.1453i     0.0676  -0.1439i    -0.1604  -0.0320i     0.0469  -0.1627i     0.0078  +0.1319i     0.0073  -0.1411i     0.0086  +0.4118i     0.0120  -0.2963i    -0.0241  +0.2666i    -0.0243  -0.2639i    -0.3169  -0.0146i     0.1346  -0.3005i     0.0045  +0.1961i     0.0042  -0.2098i     0.0873  -0.3068i     0.1213  +0.2208i 
    0.0318  +0.2136i     0.0321  -0.2115i     0.1467  -0.0498i    -0.1110  +0.1148i     0.0279  -0.2616i     0.0261  +0.2799i    -0.0611  -0.3196i    -0.0849  +0.2300i     0.1102  +0.2727i     0.1113  -0.2699i    -0.2494  -0.0928i     0.0359  -0.2715i     0.1998  -0.2115i     0.1867  +0.2263i    -0.0988  -0.1334i    -0.1373  +0.0960i 

 Orthogonality of U: || U^H U - I ||_F = .39E-14

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