Bringing the first blocks of a generator in proper form (extended version of MB02CX)

[Specification] [Arguments] [Method] [References] [Comments] [Example]


  To bring the first blocks of a generator to proper form.
  The positive part of the generator is contained in the arrays A1
  and A2. The negative part of the generator is contained in B.
  Transformation information will be stored and can be applied
  via SLICOT Library routine MB02CV.

      SUBROUTINE MB02CU( TYPEG, K, P, Q, NB, A1, LDA1, A2, LDA2, B, LDB,
     $                   RNK, IPVT, CS, TOL, DWORK, LDWORK, INFO )
C     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      CHARACTER          TYPEG
      INTEGER            INFO, K, LDA1, LDA2, LDB, LDWORK, NB, P, Q, RNK
C     .. Array Arguments ..
      INTEGER            IPVT(*)
      DOUBLE PRECISION   A1(LDA1,*), A2(LDA2,*), B(LDB,*), CS(*),
     $                   DWORK(*)


Mode Parameters

          Specifies the type of the generator, as follows:
          = 'D':  generator is column oriented and rank
                  deficiencies are expected;
          = 'C':  generator is column oriented and rank
                  deficiencies are not expected;
          = 'R':  generator is row oriented and rank
                  deficiencies are not expected.

Input/Output Parameters
  K       (input)  INTEGER
          The number of rows in A1 to be processed.  K >= 0.

  P       (input)  INTEGER
          The number of columns of the positive generator.  P >= K.

  Q       (input)  INTEGER
          The number of columns in B containing the negative
          If TYPEG = 'D',        Q >= K;
          If TYPEG = 'C' or 'R', Q >= 0.

  NB      (input)  INTEGER
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'C'  or  TYPEG = 'R', NB specifies
          the block size to be used in the blocked parts of the
          algorithm. If NB <= 0, an unblocked algorithm is used.

  A1      (input/output)  DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
          (LDA1, K)
          On entry, the leading K-by-K part of this array must
          contain the leading submatrix of the positive part of the
          generator. If TYPEG = 'C', A1 is assumed to be lower
          triangular and the strictly upper triangular part is not
          referenced. If TYPEG = 'R', A1 is assumed to be upper
          triangular and the strictly lower triangular part is not
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'D', the leading K-by-RNK part of this
          array contains the lower trapezoidal part of the proper
          generator and information for the Householder
          transformations applied during the reduction process.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'C', the leading K-by-K part of this
          array contains the leading lower triangular part of the
          proper generator.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading K-by-K part of this
          array contains the leading upper triangular part of the
          proper generator.

          The leading dimension of the array A1.  LDA1 >= MAX(1,K).

  A2      (input/output)  DOUBLE PRECISION array,
          if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C',  dimension (LDA2, P-K);
          if TYPEG = 'R',                   dimension (LDA2, K).
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          K-by-(P-K) part of this array must contain the (K+1)-st
          to P-th columns of the positive part of the generator.
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading (P-K)-by-K part of
          this array must contain the (K+1)-st to P-th rows of the
          positive part of the generator.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          K-by-(P-K) part of this array contains information for
          Householder transformations.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading (P-K)-by-K part of
          this array contains information for Householder

          The leading dimension of the array A2.
          If P = K,                   LDA2 >= 1;
          If P > K and (TYPEG = 'D' or TYPEG = 'C'),
                                      LDA2 >= MAX(1,K);
          if P > K and TYPEG = 'R',   LDA2 >= P-K.

  B       (input/output)  DOUBLE PRECISION array,
          if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C',  dimension (LDB, Q);
          if TYPEG = 'R',                   dimension (LDB, K).
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          K-by-Q part of this array must contain the negative part
          of the generator.
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading Q-by-K part of this
          array must contain the negative part of the generator.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          K-by-Q part of this array contains information for
          Householder transformations.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading Q-by-K part of this
          array contains information for Householder transformations.

          The leading dimension of the array B.
          If Q = 0,                  LDB >= 1;
          if Q > 0 and (TYPEG = 'D' or TYPEG = 'C'),
                                     LDB >= MAX(1,K);
          if Q > 0 and TYPEG = 'R',  LDB >= Q.

  RNK     (output)  INTEGER
          If TYPEG = 'D', the number of columns in the reduced
          generator which are found to be linearly independent.
          If TYPEG = 'C' or TYPEG = 'R', then RNK is not set.

  IPVT    (output)  INTEGER array, dimension (K)
          If TYPEG = 'D', then if IPVT(i) = k, the k-th row of the
          proper generator is the reduced i-th row of the input
          If TYPEG = 'C' or TYPEG = 'R', this array is not

  CS      (output)  DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (x)
          If TYPEG = 'D' and P = K,                   x = 3*K;
          if TYPEG = 'D' and P > K,                   x = 5*K;
          if (TYPEG = 'C' or TYPEG = 'R') and P = K,  x = 4*K;
          if (TYPEG = 'C' or TYPEG = 'R') and P > K,  x = 6*K.
          On exit, the first x elements of this array contain
          necessary information for the SLICOT library routine
          MB02CV (Givens and modified hyperbolic rotation
          parameters, scalar factors of the Householder

          If TYPEG = 'D', this number specifies the used tolerance
          for handling deficiencies. If the hyperbolic norm
          of two diagonal elements in the positive and negative
          generators appears to be less than or equal to TOL, then
          the corresponding columns are not reduced.

  DWORK   DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDWORK)
          On exit, if INFO = -17,  DWORK(1) returns the minimum
          value of LDWORK.

          The length of the array DWORK.
          LDWORK >= MAX(1,4*K),         if TYPEG = 'D';
          LDWORK >= MAX(1,MAX(NB,1)*K), if TYPEG = 'C' or 'R'.

Error Indicator
          = 0:  successful exit;
          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal
          = 1:  if TYPEG = 'D', the generator represents a
                (numerically) indefinite matrix; and if TYPEG = 'C'
                or TYPEG = 'R', the generator represents a
                (numerically) semidefinite matrix.

  If TYPEG = 'C' or TYPEG = 'R', blocked Householder transformations
  and modified hyperbolic rotations are used to downdate the
  matrix [ A1  A2  sqrt(-1)*B ], cf. [1], [2].
  If TYPEG = 'D', then an algorithm with row pivoting is used. In
  the first stage it maximizes the hyperbolic norm of the active
  row. As soon as the hyperbolic norm is below the threshold TOL,
  the strategy is changed. Now, in the second stage, the algorithm
  applies an LQ decomposition with row pivoting on B such that
  the Euclidean norm of the active row is maximized.

  [1] Kailath, T. and Sayed, A.
      Fast Reliable Algorithms for Matrices with Structure.
      SIAM Publications, Philadelphia, 1999.

  [2] Kressner, D. and Van Dooren, P.
      Factorizations and linear system solvers for matrices with
      Toeplitz structure.
      SLICOT Working Note 2000-2, 2000.

Numerical Aspects
  The algorithm requires 0(K *( P + Q )) floating point operations.

Further Comments

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