Estimating system matrices B and D using a structure exploiting QR factorization

[Specification] [Arguments] [Method] [References] [Comments] [Example]


  1. To compute the triangular  (QR)  factor of the  p-by-L*s
  structured matrix  Q,

      [ Q_1s  Q_1,s-1  Q_1,s-2  ...  Q_12  Q_11 ]
      [  0      Q_1s   Q_1,s-1  ...  Q_13  Q_12 ]
  Q = [  0       0       Q_1s   ...  Q_14  Q_13 ],
      [  :       :        :           :     :   ]
      [  0       0        0     ...   0    Q_1s ]

  and apply the transformations to the p-by-m matrix  Kexpand,

            [ K_1 ]
            [ K_2 ]
  Kexpand = [ K_3 ],
            [  :  ]
            [ K_s ]

  where, for MOESP approach (METH = 'M'), p = s*(L*s-n), and
  Q_1i = u2(L*(i-1)+1:L*i,:)'  is  (Ls-n)-by-L,  for  i = 1:s,
  u2 = Un(1:L*s,n+1:L*s),  K_i = K(:,(i-1)*m+1:i*m)  (i = 1:s)
  is  (Ls-n)-by-m, and for N4SID approach (METH = 'N'), p = s*(n+L),

            [   -L_1|1    ]          [ M_i-1 - L_1|i ]
     Q_11 = [             ],  Q_1i = [               ],  i = 2:s,
            [ I_L - L_2|1 ]          [     -L_2|i    ]

  are  (n+L)-by-L  matrices, and
  K_i = K(:,(i-1)*m+1:i*m),  i = 1:s,  is  (n+L)-by-m.
  The given matrices are:
  For  METH = 'M',  u2 = Un(1:L*s,n+1:L*s),

                        [ L_1|1  ...  L_1|s ]
  For  METH = 'N',  L = [                   ],   (n+L)-by-L*s,
                        [ L_2|1  ...  L_2|s ]

                    M = [ M_1  ...  M_s-1 ],  n-by-L*(s-1),  and
                    K,                        (n+L)-by-m*s.
                    Matrix M is the pseudoinverse of the matrix GaL,
                    built from the first  n  relevant singular
                    vectors,  GaL = Un(1:L(s-1),1:n),  and computed
                    by SLICOT Library routine IB01PD for METH = 'N'.

  Matrix  Q  is triangularized  (in  R),  exploiting its structure,
  and the transformations are applied from the left to  Kexpand.

  2. To estimate the matrices B and D of a linear time-invariant
  (LTI) state space model, using the factor  R,  transformed matrix
  Kexpand, and the singular value decomposition information provided
  by other routines.

  IB01PY  routine is intended for speed and efficient use of the
  memory space. It is generally not recommended for  METH = 'N',  as
  IB01PX  routine can produce more accurate results.

     $                   R1, LDR1, TAU1, PGAL, LDPGAL, K, LDK, R, LDR,
     $                   H, LDH, B, LDB, D, LDD, TOL, IWORK, DWORK,
     $                   LDWORK, IWARN, INFO )
C     .. Scalar Arguments ..
     $                   LDR, LDR1, LDUL, LDWORK, M, N, NOBR, RANKR1
      CHARACTER          JOB, METH
C     .. Array Arguments ..
      DOUBLE PRECISION   B(LDB, *), D(LDD, *), DWORK(*), H(LDH, *),
     $                   K(LDK, *), PGAL(LDPGAL, *), R(LDR, *),
     $                   R1(LDR1, *), TAU1(*), UL(LDUL, *)
      INTEGER            IWORK( * )


Mode Parameters

          Specifies the subspace identification method to be used,
          as follows:
          = 'M':  MOESP  algorithm with past inputs and outputs;
          = 'N':  N4SID  algorithm.

          Specifies whether or not the matrices B and D should be
          computed, as follows:
          = 'B':  compute the matrix B, but not the matrix D;
          = 'D':  compute both matrices B and D;
          = 'N':  do not compute the matrices B and D, but only the
                  R  factor of  Q  and the transformed Kexpand.

Input/Output Parameters
  NOBR    (input) INTEGER
          The number of block rows,  s,  in the input and output
          Hankel matrices processed by other routines.  NOBR > 1.

  N       (input) INTEGER
          The order of the system.  NOBR > N > 0.

  M       (input) INTEGER
          The number of system inputs.  M >= 0.

  L       (input) INTEGER
          The number of system outputs.  L > 0.

  RANKR1  (input) INTEGER
          The effective rank of the upper triangular matrix  r1,
          i.e., the triangular QR factor of the matrix  GaL,
          computed by SLICOT Library routine IB01PD. It is also
          the effective rank of the matrix  GaL.  0 <= RANKR1 <= N.
          If  JOB = 'N',  or  M = 0,  or  METH = 'N',  this
          parameter is not used.

  UL      (input/workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
          ( LDUL,L*NOBR )
          On entry, if  METH = 'M',  the leading  L*NOBR-by-L*NOBR
          part of this array must contain the matrix  Un  of
          relevant singular vectors. The first  N  columns of  UN
          need not be specified for this routine.
          On entry, if  METH = 'N',  the leading  (N+L)-by-L*NOBR
          part of this array must contain the given matrix  L.
          On exit, the leading  LDF-by-L*(NOBR-1) part of this array
          is overwritten by the matrix  F  of the algorithm in [4],
          where  LDF = MAX( 1, L*NOBR-N-L ), if  METH = 'M';
                 LDF = N,                    if  METH = 'N'.

          The leading dimension of the array  UL.
          LDUL >= L*NOBR, if  METH = 'M';
          LDUL >= N+L,    if  METH = 'N'.

  R1      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDR1,N )
          If  JOB <> 'N',  M > 0,  METH = 'M',  and  RANKR1 = N,
          the leading  L*(NOBR-1)-by-N  part of this array must
          contain details of the QR factorization of the matrix
          GaL,  as computed by SLICOT Library routine IB01PD.
          Specifically, the leading N-by-N upper triangular part
          must contain the upper triangular factor  r1  of  GaL,
          and the lower  L*(NOBR-1)-by-N  trapezoidal part, together
          with array TAU1, must contain the factored form of the
          orthogonal matrix  Q1  in the QR factorization of  GaL.
          If  JOB = 'N',  or  M = 0,  or  METH = 'N', or  METH = 'M'
          and  RANKR1 < N,  this array is not referenced.

          The leading dimension of the array  R1.
          LDR1 >= L*(NOBR-1), if  JOB <> 'N',  M > 0,  METH = 'M',
                              and  RANKR1 = N;
          LDR1 >= 1,          otherwise.

  TAU1    (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N )
          If  JOB <> 'N',  M > 0,  METH = 'M',  and  RANKR1 = N,
          this array must contain the scalar factors of the
          elementary reflectors used in the QR factorization of the
          matrix  GaL,  computed by SLICOT Library routine IB01PD.
          If  JOB = 'N',  or  M = 0,  or  METH = 'N', or  METH = 'M'
          and  RANKR1 < N,  this array is not referenced.

  PGAL    (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
          ( LDPGAL,L*(NOBR-1) )
          If  METH = 'N',  or  JOB <> 'N',  M > 0,  METH = 'M'  and
          RANKR1 < N,  the leading  N-by-L*(NOBR-1)  part of this
          array must contain the pseudoinverse of the matrix  GaL,
          as computed by SLICOT Library routine IB01PD.
          If  METH = 'M'  and  JOB = 'N',  or  M = 0,  or
          RANKR1 = N,  this array is not referenced.

          The leading dimension of the array  PGAL.
          LDPGAL >= N,  if   METH = 'N',  or  JOB <> 'N',  M > 0,
                        and  METH = 'M'  and RANKR1 < N;
          LDPGAL >= 1,  otherwise.

  K       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
          ( LDK,M*NOBR )
          On entry, the leading  (p/s)-by-M*NOBR  part of this array
          must contain the given matrix  K  defined above.
          On exit, the leading  (p/s)-by-M*NOBR  part of this array
          contains the transformed matrix  K.

          The leading dimension of the array  K.  LDK >= p/s.

  R       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDR,L*NOBR )
          If  JOB = 'N',  or  M = 0,  or  Q  has full rank, the
          leading  L*NOBR-by-L*NOBR  upper triangular part of this
          array contains the  R  factor of the QR factorization of
          the matrix  Q.
          If  JOB <> 'N',  M > 0,  and  Q  has not a full rank, the
          leading  L*NOBR-by-L*NOBR  upper trapezoidal part of this
          array contains details of the complete orhogonal
          factorization of the matrix  Q,  as constructed by SLICOT
          Library routines MB03OD and MB02QY.

          The leading dimension of the array  R.  LDR >= L*NOBR.

  H       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDH,M )
          If  JOB = 'N'  or  M = 0,  the leading  L*NOBR-by-M  part
          of this array contains the updated part of the matrix
          Kexpand  corresponding to the upper triangular factor  R
          in the QR factorization of the matrix  Q.
          If  JOB <> 'N',  M > 0,  and  METH = 'N'  or  METH = 'M'
          and  RANKR1 < N,  the leading  L*NOBR-by-M  part of this
          array contains the minimum norm least squares solution of
          the linear system  Q*X = Kexpand,  from which the matrices
          B  and  D  are found. The first  NOBR-1  row blocks of  X
          appear in the reverse order in  H.
          If  JOB <> 'N',  M > 0,  METH = 'M'  and  RANKR1 = N,  the
          leading  L*(NOBR-1)-by-M  part of this array contains the
          matrix product  Q1'*X,  and the subarray
          L*(NOBR-1)+1:L*NOBR-by-M  contains the  corresponding
          submatrix of  X,  with  X  defined in the phrase above.

          The leading dimension of the array  H.  LDH >= L*NOBR.

  B       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDB,M )
          If  M > 0,  JOB = 'B' or 'D'  and  INFO = 0,  the leading
          N-by-M part of this array contains the system input
          If  M = 0  or  JOB = 'N',  this array is not referenced.

          The leading dimension of the array B.
          LDB >= N, if  M > 0 and JOB = 'B' or 'D';
          LDB >= 1, if  M = 0 or  JOB = 'N'.

  D       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDD,M )
          If  M > 0,  JOB = 'D'  and  INFO = 0,  the leading
          L-by-M part of this array contains the system input-output
          If  M = 0  or  JOB = 'B'  or  'N',  this array is not

          The leading dimension of the array D.
          LDD >= L, if  M > 0 and JOB = 'D';
          LDD >= 1, if  M = 0 or  JOB = 'B' or 'N'.

          The tolerance to be used for estimating the rank of
          matrices. If the user sets  TOL > 0,  then the given value
          of  TOL  is used as a lower bound for the reciprocal
          condition number;  an m-by-n matrix whose estimated
          condition number is less than  1/TOL  is considered to
          be of full rank.  If the user sets  TOL <= 0,  then an
          implicitly computed, default tolerance, defined by
          TOLDEF = m*n*EPS,  is used instead, where  EPS  is the
          relative machine precision (see LAPACK Library routine
          This parameter is not used if  M = 0  or  JOB = 'N'.

  IWORK   INTEGER array, dimension ( LIWORK )
          where  LIWORK >= 0,       if  JOB =  'N',  or   M = 0;
                 LIWORK >= L*NOBR,  if  JOB <> 'N',  and  M > 0.

  DWORK   DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDWORK )
          On exit, if  INFO = 0,  DWORK(1) returns the optimal value
          of  LDWORK,  and, if  JOB <> 'N',  and  M > 0,  DWORK(2)
          contains the reciprocal condition number of the triangular
          factor of the matrix  R.
          On exit, if  INFO = -28,  DWORK(1)  returns the minimum
          value of LDWORK.

          The length of the array DWORK.
          LDWORK >= MAX( 2*L, L*NOBR, L+M*NOBR ),
                                      if  JOB = 'N',  or  M = 0;
          LDWORK >= MAX( L+M*NOBR, L*NOBR + MAX( 3*L*NOBR+1, M ) ),
                                      if  JOB <> 'N',  and  M > 0.
          For good performance,  LDWORK  should be larger.

Warning Indicator
          = 0:  no warning;
          = 4:  the least squares problem to be solved has a
                rank-deficient coefficient matrix.

Error Indicator
          = 0:  successful exit;
          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal
          = 3:  a singular upper triangular matrix was found.

  The QR factorization is computed exploiting the structure,
  as described in [4].
  The matrices  B  and  D  are then obtained by solving certain
  linear systems in a least squares sense.

  [1] Verhaegen M., and Dewilde, P.
      Subspace Model Identification. Part 1: The output-error
      state-space model identification class of algorithms.
      Int. J. Control, 56, pp. 1187-1210, 1992.

  [2] Van Overschee, P., and De Moor, B.
      N4SID: Two Subspace Algorithms for the Identification
      of Combined Deterministic-Stochastic Systems.
      Automatica, Vol.30, No.1, pp. 75-93, 1994.

  [3] Van Overschee, P.
      Subspace Identification : Theory - Implementation -
      Ph. D. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering,
      Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Feb. 1995.

  [4] Sima, V.
      Subspace-based Algorithms for Multivariable System
      Studies in Informatics and Control, 5, pp. 335-344, 1996.

Numerical Aspects
  The implemented method for computing the triangular factor and
  updating Kexpand is numerically stable.

Further Comments
  The computed matrices B and D are not the least squares solutions
  delivered by either MOESP or N4SID algorithms, except for the
  special case n = s - 1, L = 1. However, the computed B and D are
  frequently good enough estimates, especially for  METH = 'M'.
  Better estimates could be obtained by calling SLICOT Library
  routine IB01PX, but it is less efficient, and requires much more


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