To ask for user's confirmation of the system order found by SLICOT Library routine IB01OD. This routine may be modified, but its interface must be preserved.Specification
SUBROUTINE IB01OY( NS, NMAX, N, SV, INFO ) C .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, N, NMAX, NS C .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION SV( * )Arguments
Input/Output Parameters
NS (input) INTEGER The number of singular values. NS > 0. NMAX (input) INTEGER The maximum value of the system order. 0 <= NMAX <= NS. N (input/output) INTEGER On entry, the estimate of the system order computed by IB01OD routine. 0 <= N <= NS. On exit, the user's estimate of the system order, which could be identical with the input value of N. Note that the output value of N should be less than or equal to NMAX. SV (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( NS ) The singular values, in descending order, used for determining the system order.Error Indicator
INFO INTEGER = 0: successful exit; < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.Further Comments
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