Upper triangular factor in the QR factorization of the block-Hankel matrix

[Specification] [Arguments] [Method] [References] [Comments] [Example]


  To construct an upper triangular factor  R  of the concatenated
  block Hankel matrices using input-output data.  The input-output
  data can, optionally, be processed sequentially.

     $                   LDU, Y, LDY, R, LDR, IWORK, DWORK, LDWORK,
     $                   IWARN, INFO )
C     .. Scalar Arguments ..
     $                   NSMP
C     .. Array Arguments ..
      INTEGER            IWORK(*)
      DOUBLE PRECISION   DWORK(*), R(LDR, *), U(LDU, *), Y(LDY, *)


Mode Parameters

          Specifies the subspace identification method to be used,
          as follows:
          = 'M':  MOESP  algorithm with past inputs and outputs;
          = 'N':  N4SID  algorithm.

          Specifies the algorithm for computing the triangular
          factor R, as follows:
          = 'C':  Cholesky algorithm applied to the correlation
                  matrix of the input-output data;
          = 'F':  Fast QR algorithm;
          = 'Q':  QR algorithm applied to the concatenated block
                  Hankel matrices.

          Specifies whether or not sequential data processing is to
          be used, and, for sequential processing, whether or not
          the current data block is the first block, an intermediate
          block, or the last block, as follows:
          = 'F':  the first block in sequential data processing;
          = 'I':  an intermediate block in sequential data
          = 'L':  the last block in sequential data processing;
          = 'O':  one block only (non-sequential data processing).
          NOTE that when  100  cycles of sequential data processing
               are completed for  BATCH = 'I',  a warning is
               issued, to prevent for an infinite loop.

          Specifies whether or not the successive data blocks in
          sequential data processing belong to a single experiment,
          as follows:
          = 'C':  the current data block is a continuation of the
                  previous data block and/or it will be continued
                  by the next data block;
          = 'N':  there is no connection between the current data
                  block and the previous and/or the next ones.
          This parameter is not used if BATCH = 'O'.

Input/Output Parameters
  NOBR    (input) INTEGER
          The number of block rows,  s,  in the input and output
          block Hankel matrices to be processed.  NOBR > 0.
          (In the MOESP theory,  NOBR  should be larger than  n,
          the estimated dimension of state vector.)

  M       (input) INTEGER
          The number of system inputs.  M >= 0.
          When M = 0, no system inputs are processed.

  L       (input) INTEGER
          The number of system outputs.  L > 0.

  NSMP    (input) INTEGER
          The number of rows of matrices  U  and  Y  (number of
          samples,  t). (When sequential data processing is used,
          NSMP  is the number of samples of the current data
          NSMP >= 2*(M+L+1)*NOBR - 1,  for non-sequential
          NSMP >= 2*NOBR,  for sequential processing.
          The total number of samples when calling the routine with
          BATCH = 'L'  should be at least  2*(M+L+1)*NOBR - 1.
          The  NSMP  argument may vary from a cycle to another in
          sequential data processing, but  NOBR, M,  and  L  should
          be kept constant. For efficiency, it is advisable to use
          NSMP  as large as possible.

  U       (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDU,M)
          The leading NSMP-by-M part of this array must contain the
          t-by-m input-data sequence matrix  U,
          U = [u_1 u_2 ... u_m].  Column  j  of  U  contains the
          NSMP  values of the j-th input component for consecutive
          time increments.
          If M = 0, this array is not referenced.

          The leading dimension of the array U.
          LDU >= NSMP, if M > 0;
          LDU >= 1,    if M = 0.

  Y       (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDY,L)
          The leading NSMP-by-L part of this array must contain the
          t-by-l output-data sequence matrix  Y,
          Y = [y_1 y_2 ... y_l].  Column  j  of  Y  contains the
          NSMP  values of the j-th output component for consecutive
          time increments.

          The leading dimension of the array Y.  LDY >= NSMP.

  R       (output or input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
          ( LDR,2*(M+L)*NOBR )
          On exit, if INFO = 0 and ALG = 'Q', or (ALG = 'C' or 'F',
          and BATCH = 'L' or 'O'), the leading
          2*(M+L)*NOBR-by-2*(M+L)*NOBR upper triangular part of
          this array contains the (current) upper triangular factor
          R from the QR factorization of the concatenated block
          Hankel matrices. The diagonal elements of R are positive
          when the Cholesky algorithm was successfully used.
          On exit, if ALG = 'C' and BATCH = 'F' or 'I', the leading
          2*(M+L)*NOBR-by-2*(M+L)*NOBR upper triangular part of this
          array contains the current upper triangular part of the
          correlation matrix in sequential data processing.
          If ALG = 'F' and BATCH = 'F' or 'I', the array R is not
          On entry, if ALG = 'C', or ALG = 'Q', and BATCH = 'I' or
          'L', the leading  2*(M+L)*NOBR-by-2*(M+L)*NOBR  upper
          triangular part of this array must contain the upper
          triangular matrix R computed at the previous call of this
          routine in sequential data processing. The array R need
          not be set on entry if ALG = 'F' or if BATCH = 'F' or 'O'.

          The leading dimension of the array  R.
          LDR >= 2*(M+L)*NOBR.

  IWORK   INTEGER array, dimension (LIWORK)
          LIWORK >= M+L, if ALG = 'F';
          LIWORK >= 0,   if ALG = 'C' or 'Q'.

  DWORK   DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDWORK)
          On exit, if  INFO = 0,  DWORK(1)  returns the optimal
          value of LDWORK.
          On exit, if  INFO = -17,  DWORK(1)  returns the minimum
          value of LDWORK.
          k = 0,               if CONCT = 'N' and ALG = 'C' or 'Q';
          k = 2*NOBR-1,        if CONCT = 'C' and ALG = 'C' or 'Q';
          k = 2*NOBR*(M+L+1),  if CONCT = 'N' and ALG = 'F';
          k = 2*NOBR*(M+L+2),  if CONCT = 'C' and ALG = 'F'.
          The first (M+L)*k elements of  DWORK  should be preserved
          during successive calls of the routine with  BATCH = 'F'
          or  'I',  till the final call with  BATCH = 'L'.

          The length of the array DWORK.
          LDWORK >= (4*NOBR-2)*(M+L), if ALG = 'C', BATCH <> 'O' and
                                  CONCT = 'C';
          LDWORK >= 1,            if ALG = 'C', BATCH = 'O' or
                                  CONCT = 'N';
          LDWORK >= (M+L)*2*NOBR*(M+L+3), if ALG = 'F',
                                  BATCH <> 'O' and CONCT = 'C';
          LDWORK >= (M+L)*2*NOBR*(M+L+1), if ALG = 'F',
                                  BATCH = 'F', 'I' and CONCT = 'N';
          LDWORK >= (M+L)*4*NOBR*(M+L+1)+(M+L)*2*NOBR, if ALG = 'F',
                                  BATCH = 'L' and CONCT = 'N', or
                                  BATCH = 'O';
          LDWORK >= 4*(M+L)*NOBR, if ALG = 'Q', BATCH = 'F' or 'O',
                                  and LDR >= NS = NSMP - 2*NOBR + 1;
          LDWORK >= 6*(M+L)*NOBR, if ALG = 'Q', BATCH = 'F' or 'O',
                                  and LDR < NS, or BATCH = 'I' or
                                  'L' and CONCT = 'N';
          LDWORK >= 4*(NOBR+1)*(M+L)*NOBR, if ALG = 'Q', BATCH = 'I'
                                  or 'L' and CONCT = 'C'.
          The workspace used for ALG = 'Q' is
                    LDRWRK*2*(M+L)*NOBR + 4*(M+L)*NOBR,
          where LDRWRK = LDWORK/(2*(M+L)*NOBR) - 2; recommended
          value LDRWRK = NS, assuming a large enough cache size.
          For good performance,  LDWORK  should be larger.

          If LDWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed;
          the routine only calculates the optimal size of the
          DWORK array, returns this value as the first entry of
          the DWORK array, and no error message related to LDWORK
          is issued by XERBLA.

Warning Indicator
          = 0:  no warning;
          = 1:  the number of 100 cycles in sequential data
                processing has been exhausted without signaling
                that the last block of data was get; the cycle
                counter was reinitialized;
          = 2:  a fast algorithm was requested (ALG = 'C' or 'F'),
                but it failed, and the QR algorithm was then used
                (non-sequential data processing).

Error Indicator
          = 0:  successful exit;
          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal
          = 1:  a fast algorithm was requested (ALG = 'C', or 'F')
                in sequential data processing, but it failed. The
                routine can be repeatedly called again using the
                standard QR algorithm.

  1) For non-sequential data processing using QR algorithm, a
  t x 2(m+l)s  matrix H is constructed, where

       H = [ Uf'         Up'      Y'      ],  for METH = 'M',
               s+1,2s,t    1,s,t   1,2s,t

       H = [ U'       Y'      ],              for METH = 'N',
              1,2s,t   1,2s,t

  and  Up     , Uf        , U      , and  Y        are block Hankel
         1,s,t    s+1,2s,t   1,2s,t        1,2s,t
  matrices defined in terms of the input and output data [3].
  A QR factorization is used to compress the data.
  The fast QR algorithm uses a QR factorization which exploits
  the block-Hankel structure. Actually, the Cholesky factor of H'*H
  is computed.

  2) For sequential data processing using QR algorithm, the QR
  decomposition is done sequentially, by updating the upper
  triangular factor  R.  This is also performed internally if the
  workspace is not large enough to accommodate an entire batch.

  3) For non-sequential or sequential data processing using
  Cholesky algorithm, the correlation matrix of input-output data is
  computed (sequentially, if requested), taking advantage of the
  block Hankel structure [7].  Then, the Cholesky factor of the
  correlation matrix is found, if possible.

  [1] Verhaegen M., and Dewilde, P.
      Subspace Model Identification. Part 1: The output-error
      state-space model identification class of algorithms.
      Int. J. Control, 56, pp. 1187-1210, 1992.

  [2] Verhaegen M.
      Subspace Model Identification. Part 3: Analysis of the
      ordinary output-error state-space model identification
      Int. J. Control, 58, pp. 555-586, 1993.

  [3] Verhaegen M.
      Identification of the deterministic part of MIMO state space
      models given in innovations form from input-output data.
      Automatica, Vol.30, No.1, pp.61-74, 1994.

  [4] Van Overschee, P., and De Moor, B.
      N4SID: Subspace Algorithms for the Identification of
      Combined Deterministic-Stochastic Systems.
      Automatica, Vol.30, No.1, pp. 75-93, 1994.

  [5] Peternell, K., Scherrer, W. and Deistler, M.
      Statistical Analysis of Novel Subspace Identification Methods.
      Signal Processing, 52, pp. 161-177, 1996.

  [6] Sima, V.
      Subspace-based Algorithms for Multivariable System
      Studies in Informatics and Control, 5, pp. 335-344, 1996.

  [7] Sima, V.
      Cholesky or QR Factorization for Data Compression in
      Subspace-based Identification ?
      Proceedings of the Second NICONET Workshop on ``Numerical
      Control Software: SLICOT, a Useful Tool in Industry'',
      December 3, 1999, INRIA Rocquencourt, France, pp. 75-80, 1999.

Numerical Aspects
  The implemented method is numerically stable (when QR algorithm is
  used), reliable and efficient. The fast Cholesky or QR algorithms
  are more efficient, but the accuracy could diminish by forming the
  correlation matrix.
  The QR algorithm needs 0(t(2(m+l)s) ) floating point operations.
                                        2              3
  The Cholesky algorithm needs 0(2t(m+l) s)+0((2(m+l)s) ) floating
  point operations.
                                       2           3 2
  The fast QR algorithm needs 0(2t(m+l) s)+0(4(m+l) s ) floating
  point operations.

Further Comments
  For ALG = 'Q', BATCH = 'O' and LDR < NS, or BATCH <> 'O', the
  calculations could be rather inefficient if only minimal workspace
  (see argument LDWORK) is provided. It is advisable to provide as
  much workspace as possible. Almost optimal efficiency can be
  obtained for  LDWORK = (NS+2)*(2*(M+L)*NOBR),  assuming that the
  cache size is large enough to accommodate R, U, Y, and DWORK.


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