To perform the minimization of the maximum of a set of smooth objective functions (possibly a single one or none at all) subject to nonlinear equality and inequality constraints, linear equality and inequality constraints, and simple bounds on the variables. Specifically, the problem to solve is of the form min max{f (x)} i i n where 1 <= i <= NF, and x is a vector in R subject to the following constraints bl <= x <= bu g (x)<=0, j = 1 ... NINEQN j g (x)<=0, j = NINEQN+1 ... NINEQ j h (x)=0, j = 1 ... NEQN j h (x)=0, j = NEQN+1 ... NEQ j n where bl and bu are vectors in R , and n f : R -> R, j = 1 ... NF, smooth j n g : R -> R, j = 1 ... NINEQN, nonlinear and smooth j n g : R -> R, j = NINEQN+1 ... NINEQ, linear j n h : R -> R, j = 1 ... NEQN, nonlinear and smooth j n h : R -> R, j = NEQN+1 ... NEQ, linear jSpecification
Mode Parameters
MODE (input) INTEGER mode = CBA (a 3-digit number) with the following meaning (see [1] for more details): A specifies the problem to be solved: A = 0: The problem is that described above. A = 1: In the problem described above, the function to minimize is replaced by min max{ABS(f (x))} i i i.e., absolute values of the objective functions are taken. B indicates the method to be used: B = 0: Algorithm FFSQP-AL is selected (see METHOD below). B = 1: Algorithm FFSQP-NL is selected (see METHOD below). C indicates the order of evaluation of objective functions and constraints during the line search: C = 1: The function that caused the previous value of t to be rejected is checked first and all functions of the same type ("objective" or "constraint") as the latter will then be checked first (recommended for most users). C = 2: Constraints will be always checked first at each trial point during the line search. If it is a contraint that caused the previous value of t to be rejected, that constraint will be checked first (useful when objective functions are not defined or are difficult to evaluate outside of the feasible region). IPRINT (input) INTEGER Parameter indicating the desired output (see [1] for a more complete description of the output). IPRINT = 0: No information except for user-input errors is displayed. This value is imposed during phase 1. IPRINT = 1: Objective and constraint values at the initial feasible point are displayed. At the end of execution, status (INFO), iterate, objective values, constraint values, number of evaluations of objectives and nonlinear constraints, norm of the Kuhn-Tucker vector, and sum of feasibility violation are displayed. IPRINT = 2: At the end of each iteration, the same information as with IPRINT = 1 is displayed. IPRINT = 3: At each iteration, the same information as with IPRINT = 2,including detailed information on the search direction computation, on the line search, and on the update, is displayed. IPRINT = 10*N +M: N any positive integer, M=2 or 3. Information corresponding to IPRINT=M is displayed at every (10*N)th iteration and at the last iteration.User-supplied Subroutines
OBJ SUBROUTINE Computes the value of the objective functions. If NF = 0, a (dummy) subroutine must be provided anyway. The specification of OBJ is SUBROUTINE OBJ(NPARAM,J,X,FJ) INTEGER NPARAM, J DOUBLE PRECISION X(NPARAM),FJ Arguments: NPARAM (Input) Dimension of X. J (Input) Number of the objective to be computed. X (Input) Current iterate. FJ (Output) Value of the jth objective function at X. CONSTR SUBROUTINE Computes the value of the constraints. If there are no constraints, a (dummy) subroutine must be provided anyway. The specification of CONSTR is as follows. SUBROUTINE CONSTR(NPARAM,J,X,GJ) INTEGER NPARAM,J DOUBLE PRECISION X(NPARAM),GJ Arguments: NPARAM (Input) Dimension of X. J (Input) Number of the constraint to be computed. X (Input) Current iterate. GJ (Output) Value of the jth constraint at X. The order of the constraints must be as follows. First the NINEQN (possibly zero) nonlinear inequality constraints. Then the NINEQ-NINEQN (possibly zero) linear inequality constraints. Finally, the NEQN (possibly zero) nonlinear equality constraints followed by the NEQ-NEQN (possibly zero) linear equality constraints. GRADOB SUBROUTINE Computes the gradients of the objective functions. The user must pass the subroutine name GROBFD, if he/she wishes that FSQP evaluate these gradients automatically, by forward finite differences. The specification of GRADOB is as follows. SUBROUTINE GRADOB(NPARAM,J,X,GRADFJ,DUMMY) INTEGER NPARAM,J DOUBLE PRECISION X(NPARAM),GRADFJ(NPARAM) DOUBLE PRECISION DUMMY EXTERNAL DUMMY Arguments: NPARAM (Input) Dimension of X. J (Input) Number of objective for which gradient is to be computed. X (Input) Current iterate. GRADFJ (Output) Gradient of the jth objective function at X. DUMMY (Input) Used by GROBFD (internally assigned the name of the objective function subroutine by FFSQP). Note that DUMMY is passed as argument to GRADOB to allow for forward finite difference computation of the gradient. GRADCN SUBROUTINE Computes the gradients of the constraints. The user must pass the subroutine name GRCNFD, if he/she wishes that FSQP evaluate these gradients automatically, by forward finite differences. The specification of GRADCN is as follows SUBROUTINE GRADCN (NPARAM,J,X,GRADGJ,DUMMY) INTEGER NPARAM,J DOUBLE PRECISION X(NPARAM),GRADGJ(NPARAM) DOUBLE PRECISION DUMMY EXTERNAL DUMMY Arguments: NPARAM (Input) Dimension of X. J (Input) Number of constraint for which gradient is to be computed. X (Input) Current iterate. GRADGJ (Output) Gradient of the jth constraint evaluated at X. DUMMY (Input) Used by GRCNFD (internally assigned the name of the constraint function subroutine by FFSQP). Note that DUMMY is passed as argument to GRADCN to allow for forward finite difference computation of the gradients.Input/Output Parameters
NPARAM (input) INTEGER Number of free variables, i.e., the dimension of X. NF (input) INTEGER Number of objective functions (possibly zero). NINEQN (input) INTEGER Number (possibly zero) of nonlinear inequality constraints. NINEQ (input) INTEGER Total number (possibly equal to nineqn) of inequality constraints. NEQN (input) INTEGER Number (possibly zero) of nonlinear equality constraints. NEQ (input) INTEGER Total number (possibly equal to neqn) of equality constraints. MITER (input) INTEGER Maximum number of iterations allowed by the user before termination of execution. UDELTA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION The perturbation size the user suggests to use in approximating gradients by finite difference. UDELTA should be set to zero if the user has no idea how to choose it. See [1] for details. BIGBND (input) DOUBLE PRECISION It plays the role of Infinite Bound (see also BL and BU below). BL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NPARAM) Lower bounds for the components of X. To specify a non- existent lower bound for some j, the value used must satisfy BL(j) <= -BIGBND. BU (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NPARAM) Upper bounds for the components of X. To specify a non- existent upper bound for some j, the value used must satisfy BU(j) >= BIGBND. X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NPARAM) On entry, this is the initial guess. On exit, this is the iterate at the end of execution. F (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( MAX(1,NF) ) Value of functions f_i, i = 1, ..., NF, at X at the end of execution. G (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( MAX(1,NINEQ+NEQ) ) Value of constraint functions at X at the end of execution.Tolerances
TOL1 DOUBLE PRECISION Corresponds to argument EPS in [1]. Final norm requirement for the Newton direction (see [1], argument EPS). It must be bigger than the machine precision epsmac (computed by FSQP). If the user does not have a good feeling of what value should be chosen, a very small number could be provided and IPRINT = 2 be selected so that the user would be able to keep track of the process of optimization and terminate FSQP at appropriate time. TOL2 DOUBLE PRECISION Corresponds to argument EPSEQN in [1]. Maximum violation of nonlinear equality constraints allowed by the user at an optimal point. It is in effect only if NEQN > 0 and must be bigger than the machine precision epsmac (computed by FSQP).Workspace
IWORK INTEGER array, dimension (LIWORK) Corresponds to argument IW in [1]. LIWORK INTEGER Corresponds to argument IWSIZE in [1]. The length of array IWORK. It must be at least as big as 6*NPARAM + 8*max(1,NINEQ+NEQ) + 7*max(1,NF) + 30. This estimate is usually very conservative and the smallest suitable value will be displayed if the user-supplied value is too small. DWORK DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDWORK) Corresponds to argument W in [1]. On exit, it will contain estimates of Lagrange multipliers at the end of execution. These multipliers will be placed in the first NPARAM + NINEQ + NEQ + NFF entries; where NFF = 0 if (in mode) A = 0 and NF = 1, and NFF = NF otherwise. See [1] for details. LDWORK INTEGER Corresponds to argument NWSIZE in [1]. The length of array DWORK. It must be at least as big as 4*SQR(NPARAM) + 5*MAX(1,NINEQ+NEQ)*NPARAM + 3*MAX(1,NF)*NPARAM + 26*(NPARAM+MAX(1,NF)) + 45*MAX(1,NINEQ+NEQ) + 100. This estimate is usually very conservative and the smallest suitable value will be displayed if the user- supplied value is too small.Error Indicator
INFO (output) INTEGER Corresponds to argument INFORM in [1]. INFO = 0: Normal termination of execution. INFO = 1: The user-provided initial guess is infeasible for linear constraints and FFSQP is unable to generate a point satisfying all these constraints. INFO = 2: The user-provided initial guess is infeasible for nonlinear inequality constraints and linear constraints; and FFSQP is unable to generate a point satisfying all these constraints. INFO = 3: The maximum number miter of iterations has been reached before a solution is obtained. INFO = 4: The line search fails to find a new iterate (trial step size being smaller than the machine precision epsmac computed by FFSQP). INFO = 5: Failure of the QP solver in attempting to construct d0. A more robust QP solver may succeed. INFO = 6: Failure of the QP solver in attempting to construct d1 . A more robust QP solver may succeed. INFO = 7: Input data are not consistent (with printout indicating the error). INFO = 8: Two consecutive iterates are numerically equivalent before a stopping criterion is satisfied. INFO = 9: One of the penalty parameters exceeded BIGBND. The algorithm is having trouble satisfying a nonlinear equality constraint.Method
If the initial guess provided by the user is infeasible for nonlinear inequality constraints and linear constraints, FFSQP first generates a point satisfying all these constraints by iterating on the problem of minimizing the maximum of these constraints. Then, using Mayne-Polak's scheme, nonlinear equality constraints are turned into nonlinear inequality constraints and the original objective function is replaced by a modified objective function. After obtaining feasibility, either (i) an Armijo-type line search may be used (algorithm FFSQP-AL), yielding a monotone decrease of the objective function at each iteration; or (ii) a nonmonotone line search may be selected (algorithm FFSQP-NL), forcing a decrease of the objective function within at most four iterations. See [1] for further details.References
[1] J. L. Zhou, A. L. Tits and C. T. Lawrence User's Guide for FFSQP Version 3.7 : A Fortran Code for Solving Optimization Programs, Possibly Minimax, with General Inequality Constraints and Linear Equality Constraints, Generating Feasible Iterates Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, Technical Report SRC-TR-92-107r5, 1997. (Available at http://gachinese.com/aemdesign/FSQPframe.htm)Further Comments
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