Appending two systems in state-space form

[Specification] [Arguments] [Method] [References] [Comments] [Example]


  To append two systems G1 and G2 in state-space form together.
  If G1 = (A1,B1,C1,D1) and G2 = (A2,B2,C2,D2) are the state-space
  models of the given two systems having the transfer-function
  matrices G1 and G2, respectively, this subroutine constructs the
  state-space model G = (A,B,C,D) which corresponds to the
  transfer-function matrix

                        ( G1 0  )
                    G = (       )
                        ( 0  G2 )

      SUBROUTINE AB05QD( OVER, N1, M1, P1, N2, M2, P2, A1, LDA1, B1,
     $                   LDB1, C1, LDC1, D1, LDD1, A2, LDA2, B2, LDB2,
     $                   C2, LDC2, D2, LDD2, N, M, P, A, LDA, B, LDB,
     $                   C, LDC, D, LDD, INFO )
C     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      CHARACTER         OVER
      INTEGER           INFO, LDA, LDA1, LDA2, LDB, LDB1, LDB2, LDC,
     $                  LDC1, LDC2, LDD, LDD1, LDD2, M, M1, M2, N, N1,
     $                  N2, P, P1, P2
C     .. Array Arguments ..
      DOUBLE PRECISION  A(LDA,*), A1(LDA1,*), A2(LDA2,*), B(LDB,*),
     $                  B1(LDB1,*), B2(LDB2,*), C(LDC,*), C1(LDC1,*),
     $                  C2(LDC2,*), D(LDD,*), D1(LDD1,*), D2(LDD2,*)


Mode Parameters

          Indicates whether the user wishes to overlap pairs of
          arrays, as follows:
          = 'N':  Do not overlap;
          = 'O':  Overlap pairs of arrays: A1 and A, B1 and B,
                  C1 and C, and D1 and D, i.e. the same name is
                  effectively used for each pair (for all pairs)
                  in the routine call.  In this case, setting
                  LDA1 = LDA, LDB1 = LDB, LDC1 = LDC, and LDD1 = LDD
                  will give maximum efficiency.

Input/Output Parameters
  N1      (input) INTEGER
          The number of state variables in the first system, i.e.
          the order of the matrix A1, the number of rows of B1 and
          the number of columns of C1.  N1 >= 0.

  M1      (input) INTEGER
          The number of input variables in the first system, i.e.
          the number of columns of matrices B1 and D1.  M1 >= 0.

  P1      (input) INTEGER
          The number of output variables in the first system, i.e.
          the number of rows of matrices C1 and D1.  P1 >= 0.

  N2      (input) INTEGER
          The number of state variables in the second system, i.e.
          the order of the matrix A2, the number of rows of B2 and
          the number of columns of C2.  N2 >= 0.

  M2      (input) INTEGER
          The number of input variables in the second system, i.e.
          the number of columns of matrices B2 and D2.  M2 >= 0.

  P2      (input) INTEGER
          The number of output variables in the second system, i.e.
          the number of rows of matrices C2 and D2.  P2 >= 0.

  A1      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA1,N1)
          The leading N1-by-N1 part of this array must contain the
          state transition matrix A1 for the first system.

          The leading dimension of array A1.  LDA1 >= MAX(1,N1).

  B1      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB1,M1)
          The leading N1-by-M1 part of this array must contain the
          input/state matrix B1 for the first system.

          The leading dimension of array B1.  LDB1 >= MAX(1,N1).

  C1      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC1,N1)
          The leading P1-by-N1 part of this array must contain the
          state/output matrix C1 for the first system.

          The leading dimension of array C1.
          LDC1 >= MAX(1,P1) if N1 > 0.
          LDC1 >= 1 if N1 = 0.

  D1      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDD1,M1)
          The leading P1-by-M1 part of this array must contain the
          input/output matrix D1 for the first system.

          The leading dimension of array D1.  LDD1 >= MAX(1,P1).

  A2      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA2,N2)
          The leading N2-by-N2 part of this array must contain the
          state transition matrix A2 for the second system.

          The leading dimension of array A2.  LDA2 >= MAX(1,N2).

  B2      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB2,M2)
          The leading N2-by-M2 part of this array must contain the
          input/state matrix B2 for the second system.

          The leading dimension of array B2.  LDB2 >= MAX(1,N2).

  C2      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC2,N2)
          The leading P2-by-N2 part of this array must contain the
          state/output matrix C2 for the second system.

          The leading dimension of array C2.
          LDC2 >= MAX(1,P2) if N2 > 0.
          LDC2 >= 1 if N2 = 0.

  D2      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDD2,M2)
          The leading P2-by-M2 part of this array must contain the
          input/output matrix D2 for the second system.

          The leading dimension of array D2.  LDD2 >= MAX(1,P2).

  N       (output) INTEGER
          The number of state variables (N1 + N2) in the resulting
          system, i.e. the order of the matrix A, the number of rows
          of B and the number of columns of C.

  M       (output) INTEGER
          The number of input variables (M1 + M2) in the resulting
          system, i.e. the number of columns of B and D.

  P       (output) INTEGER
          The number of output variables (P1 + P2) of the resulting
          system, i.e. the number of rows of C and D.

  A       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N1+N2)
          The leading N-by-N part of this array contains the state
          transition matrix A for the resulting system.
          The array A can overlap A1 if OVER = 'O'.

          The leading dimension of array A.  LDA >= MAX(1,N1+N2).

  B       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,M1+M2)
          The leading N-by-M part of this array contains the
          input/state matrix B for the resulting system.
          The array B can overlap B1 if OVER = 'O'.

          The leading dimension of array B.  LDB >= MAX(1,N1+N2).

  C       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC,N1+N2)
          The leading P-by-N part of this array contains the
          state/output matrix C for the resulting system.
          The array C can overlap C1 if OVER = 'O'.

          The leading dimension of array C.
          LDC >= MAX(1,P1+P2) if N1+N2 > 0.
          LDC >= 1 if N1+N2 = 0.

  D       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDD,M1+M2)
          The leading P-by-M part of this array contains the
          input/output matrix D for the resulting system.
          The array D can overlap D1 if OVER = 'O'.

          The leading dimension of array D.  LDD >= MAX(1,P1+P2).

Error Indicator
          = 0:  successful exit;
          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal

  The matrices of the resulting systems are determined as:

        ( A1   0  )         ( B1  0  )
    A = (         ) ,   B = (        ) ,
        ( 0    A2 )         ( 0   B2 )

        ( C1   0  )         ( D1  0  )
    C = (         ) ,   D = (        ) .
        ( 0    C2 )         ( 0   D2 )


Further Comments

Program Text

*     Copyright (c) 2002-2017 NICONET e.V.
*     .. Parameters ..
      INTEGER          NIN, NOUT
      PARAMETER        ( NIN = 5, NOUT = 6 )
     $                 P2MAX, PMAX
      PARAMETER        ( N1MAX = 20, N2MAX = 20, NMAX = N1MAX+N2MAX,
     $                   M1MAX = 20, M2MAX = 20, MMAX = M1MAX+M2MAX,
     $                   P1MAX = 20, P2MAX = 20, PMAX = P1MAX+P2MAX )
      INTEGER          LDA, LDA1, LDA2, LDB, LDB1, LDB2, LDC, LDC1,
     $                 LDC2, LDD, LDD1, LDD2
      PARAMETER        ( LDA = NMAX, LDA1 = N1MAX, LDA2 = N2MAX,
     $                   LDB = NMAX, LDB1 = N1MAX, LDB2 = N2MAX,
     $                   LDC = PMAX, LDC1 = P1MAX, LDC2 = P1MAX,
     $                   LDD = PMAX, LDD1 = P1MAX, LDD2 = P1MAX )
      PARAMETER        ( ONE=1.0D0 )
*     .. Local Scalars ..
      CHARACTER*1      OVER
      INTEGER          I, INFO, J, M, M1, M2, N, N1, N2, P, P1, P2
*     .. Local Arrays ..
     $                 B(LDB,MMAX), B1(LDB1,M1MAX), B2(LDB2,M2MAX),
     $                 C(LDC,NMAX), C1(LDC1,N1MAX), C2(LDC2,N2MAX),
     $                 D(LDD,MMAX), D1(LDD1,M1MAX), D2(LDD2,M2MAX)
*     .. External Subroutines ..
      EXTERNAL         AB05QD
*     .. Executable Statements ..
      OVER = 'N'
      WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99999 )
*     Skip the heading in the data file and read the data.
      READ ( NIN, FMT = '()' )
      READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) N1, M1, P1, N2, M2, P2
      IF ( N1.LE.0 .OR. N1.GT.N1MAX ) THEN
         WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99992 ) N1
         READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( A1(I,J), J = 1,N1 ), I = 1,N1 )
         IF ( M1.LE.0 .OR. M1.GT.M1MAX ) THEN
            WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99991 ) M1
            READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( B1(I,J), I = 1,N1 ), J = 1,M1 )
            IF ( P1.LE.0 .OR. P1.GT.P1MAX ) THEN
               WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99990 ) P1
               READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( C1(I,J), J = 1,N1 ), I = 1,P1 )
               READ ( NIN, FMT = * ) ( ( D1(I,J), J = 1,M1 ), I = 1,P1 )
               IF ( N2.LE.0 .OR. N2.GT.N2MAX ) THEN
                  WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99989 ) N2
                  READ ( NIN, FMT = * )
     $                 ( ( A2(I,J), J = 1,N2 ), I = 1,N2 )
                  IF ( M2.LE.0 .OR. M2.GT.M2MAX ) THEN
                     WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99988 ) M2
                     READ ( NIN, FMT = * )
     $                    ( ( B2(I,J), I = 1,N2 ), J = 1,M2 )
                     IF ( P2.LE.0 .OR. P2.GT.P2MAX ) THEN
                        WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99987 ) P2
                        READ ( NIN, FMT = * )
     $                       ( ( C2(I,J), J = 1,N2 ), I = 1,P2 )
                        READ ( NIN, FMT = * )
     $                       ( ( D2(I,J), J = 1,M2 ), I = 1,P2 )
*                          Find the state-space model (A,B,C,D).
                        CALL AB05QD( OVER, N1, M1, P1, N2, M2, P2, A1,
     $                               LDA1, B1, LDB1, C1, LDC1, D1, LDD1,
     $                               A2, LDA2, B2, LDB2, C2, LDC2, D2,
     $                               LDD2, N, M, P, A, LDA, B, LDB, C,
     $                               LDC, D, LDD, INFO )
                        IF ( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN
                           WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99998 ) INFO
                           WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99997 )
                           DO 20 I = 1, N
                              WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99996 )
     $                              ( A(I,J), J = 1,N )
   20                      CONTINUE
                           WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99995 )
                           DO 40 I = 1, N
                              WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99996 )
     $                              ( B(I,J), J = 1,M )
   40                      CONTINUE
                           WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99994 )
                           DO 60 I = 1, P
                              WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99996 )
     $                              ( C(I,J), J = 1,N )
   60                      CONTINUE
                           WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99993 )
                           DO 80 I = 1, P
                              WRITE ( NOUT, FMT = 99996 )
     $                              ( D(I,J), J = 1,M )
   80                      CONTINUE
                        END IF
                     END IF
                  END IF
               END IF
            END IF
         END IF
      END IF
99998 FORMAT (' INFO on exit from AB05QD = ',I2)
99997 FORMAT (' The state transition matrix of the connected system is')
99996 FORMAT (20(1X,F8.4))
99995 FORMAT (/' The input/state matrix of the connected system is ')
99994 FORMAT (/' The state/output matrix of the connected system is ')
99993 FORMAT (/' The input/output matrix of the connected system is ')
99992 FORMAT (/' N1 is out of range.',/' N1 = ',I5)
99991 FORMAT (/' M1 is out of range.',/' M1 = ',I5)
99990 FORMAT (/' P1 is out of range.',/' P1 = ',I5)
99989 FORMAT (/' N2 is out of range.',/' N2 = ',I5)
99988 FORMAT (/' M2 is out of range.',/' M2 = ',I5)
99987 FORMAT (/' P2 is out of range.',/' P2 = ',I5)
Program Data
   3     2     2     3     2     2
   1.0   0.0  -1.0
   0.0  -1.0   1.0
   1.0   1.0   2.0
   1.0   1.0   0.0
   2.0   0.0   1.0
   3.0  -2.0   1.0
   0.0   1.0   0.0
   1.0   0.0
   0.0   1.0
  -3.0   0.0   0.0
   1.0   0.0   1.0
   0.0  -1.0   2.0
   0.0  -1.0   0.0
   1.0   0.0   2.0
   1.0   1.0   0.0
   1.0   1.0  -1.0
   1.0   1.0
   0.0   1.0
Program Results

 The state transition matrix of the connected system is
   1.0000   0.0000  -1.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0000  -1.0000   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   1.0000   1.0000   2.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000  -3.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   1.0000   0.0000   1.0000
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000  -1.0000   2.0000

 The input/state matrix of the connected system is 
   1.0000   2.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
   0.0000   0.0000  -1.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   2.0000

 The state/output matrix of the connected system is 
   3.0000  -2.0000   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   1.0000   1.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   1.0000   1.0000  -1.0000

 The input/output matrix of the connected system is 
   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000
   0.0000   0.0000   1.0000   1.0000
   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   1.0000

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