Applying the MB02CU transformations on other columns / rows of the generator

[Specification] [Arguments] [Method] [References] [Comments] [Example]


  To apply the transformations created by the SLICOT Library routine
  MB02CU on other columns / rows of the generator, contained in the
  arrays F1, F2 and G.

     $                   A2, LDA2, B, LDB, F1, LDF1, F2, LDF2, G, LDG,
     $                   CS, DWORK, LDWORK, INFO )
C     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      INTEGER            INFO, K, LDA1, LDA2, LDB, LDF1, LDF2, LDG,
     $                   LDWORK, N, NB, P, Q, RNK
C     .. Array Arguments ..
      DOUBLE PRECISION   A1(LDA1,*), A2(LDA2,*), B(LDB,*), CS(*),
     $                   DWORK(*), F1(LDF1,*), F2(LDF2,*), G(LDG,*)


Mode Parameters

          Specifies the type of the generator, as follows:
          = 'D':  generator is column oriented and rank
          = 'C':  generator is column oriented and not rank
          = 'R':  generator is row oriented and not rank
          Note that this parameter must be equivalent with the
          used TYPEG in the call of MB02CU.

          Information about the structure of the generators,
          as follows:
          = 'T':  the trailing block of the positive generator
                  is upper / lower triangular, and the trailing
                  block of the negative generator is zero;
          = 'N':  no special structure to mention.

Input/Output Parameters
  K       (input)  INTEGER
          The number of rows in A1 to be processed.  K >= 0.

  N       (input)  INTEGER
          If TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the number of rows in F1;
          if TYPEG = 'R', the number of columns in F1.  N >= 0.

  P       (input)  INTEGER
          The number of columns of the positive generator.  P >= K.

  Q       (input)  INTEGER
          The number of columns in B.
          If TYPEG = 'D',        Q >= K;
          If TYPEG = 'C' or 'R', Q >= 0.

  NB      (input)  INTEGER
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'C'  or  TYPEG = 'R', NB specifies
          the block size to be used in the blocked parts of the
          algorithm. NB must be equivalent with the used block size
          in the routine MB02CU.

  RNK     (input)  INTEGER
          If TYPEG = 'D', the number of linearly independent columns
          in the generator as returned by MB02CU.  0 <= RNK <= K.
          If TYPEG = 'C' or 'R', the value of this parameter is

  A1      (input)  DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
          (LDA1, K)
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'D', the leading K-by-K part of this
          array must contain the matrix A1 as returned by MB02CU.
          If TYPEG = 'C' or 'R', this array is not referenced.

          The leading dimension of the array A1.
          If TYPEG = 'D',                   LDA1 >= MAX(1,K);
          if TYPEG = 'C'  or  TYPEG = 'R',  LDA1 >= 1.

  A2      (input)  DOUBLE PRECISION array,
          if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C',  dimension (LDA2, P-K);
          if TYPEG = 'R',                   dimension (LDA2, K).
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          K-by-(P-K) part of this array must contain the matrix
          A2 as returned by MB02CU.
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading (P-K)-by-K part of
          this array must contain the matrix A2 as returned by

          The leading dimension of the array A2.
          If P = K,                  LDA2 >= 1;
          If P > K and (TYPEG = 'D' or TYPEG = 'C'),
                                     LDA2 >= MAX(1,K);
          if P > K and TYPEG = 'R',  LDA2 >= P-K.

  B       (input)  DOUBLE PRECISION array,
          if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C',  dimension (LDB, Q);
          if TYPEG = 'R',                   dimension (LDB, K).
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          K-by-Q part of this array must contain the matrix B as
          returned by MB02CU.
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading Q-by-K part of this
          array must contain the matrix B as returned by MB02CU.

          The leading dimension of the array B.
          If Q = 0,                  LDB >= 1;
          If Q > 0 and (TYPEG = 'D' or TYPEG = 'C'),
                                     LDB >= MAX(1,K);
          if Q > 0 and TYPEG = 'R',  LDB >= Q.

  F1      (input/output)  DOUBLE PRECISION array,
          if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C',  dimension (LDF1, K);
          if TYPEG = 'R',                   dimension (LDF1, N).
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          N-by-K part of this array must contain the first part
          of the positive generator to be processed.
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading K-by-N part of this
          array must contain the first part of the positive
          generator to be processed.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          N-by-K part of this array contains the first part of the
          transformed positive generator.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading K-by-N part of this
          array contains the first part of the transformed positive

          The leading dimension of the array F1.
          If TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C',   LDF1 >= MAX(1,N);
          if TYPEG = 'R',                    LDF1 >= MAX(1,K).

  F2      (input/output)  DOUBLE PRECISION array,
          if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C',  dimension (LDF2, P-K);
          if TYPEG = 'R',                   dimension (LDF2, N).
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          N-by-(P-K) part of this array must contain the second part
          of the positive generator to be processed.
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading (P-K)-by-N part of
          this array must contain the second part of the positive
          generator to be processed.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          N-by-(P-K) part of this array contains the second part of
          the transformed positive generator.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading (P-K)-by-N part of
          this array contains the second part of the transformed
          positive generator.

          The leading dimension of the array F2.
          If P = K,                  LDF2 >= 1;
          If P > K and (TYPEG = 'D' or TYPEG = 'C'),
                                     LDF2 >= MAX(1,N);
          if P > K and TYPEG = 'R',  LDF2 >= P-K.

  G       (input/output)  DOUBLE PRECISION array,
          if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C',  dimension (LDG, Q);
          if TYPEG = 'R',                   dimension (LDG, N).
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          N-by-Q part of this array must contain the negative part
          of the generator to be processed.
          On entry, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading Q-by-N part of this
          array must contain the negative part of the generator to
          be processed.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'D'  or  TYPEG = 'C', the leading
          N-by-Q part of this array contains the transformed
          negative generator.
          On exit, if TYPEG = 'R', the leading Q-by-N part of this
          array contains the transformed negative generator.

          The leading dimension of the array G.
          If Q = 0,                  LDG >= 1;
          If Q > 0 and (TYPEG = 'D' or TYPEG = 'C'),
                                     LDG >= MAX(1,N);
          if Q > 0 and TYPEG = 'R',  LDG >= Q.

  CS      (input)  DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (x)
          If TYPEG = 'D' and P = K,                   x = 3*K;
          If TYPEG = 'D' and P > K,                   x = 5*K;
          If (TYPEG = 'C' or TYPEG = 'R') and P = K,  x = 4*K;
          If (TYPEG = 'C' or TYPEG = 'R') and P > K,  x = 6*K.
          On entry, the first x elements of this array must contain
          Givens and modified hyperbolic rotation parameters, and
          scalar factors of the Householder transformations as
          returned by MB02CU.

  DWORK   DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDWORK)
          On exit, if INFO = -23,  DWORK(1) returns the minimum
          value of LDWORK.

          The length of the array DWORK.
          TYPEG = 'D':               LDWORK >= MAX(1,N);
          (TYPEG = 'C' or TYPEG = 'R')  and  NB <= 0:
                                     LDWORK >= MAX(1,N);
          (TYPEG = 'C' or TYPEG = 'R')  and  NB >= 1:
                                     LDWORK >= MAX(1,( N + K )*NB).

Error Indicator
          = 0:  successful exit;
          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal

Numerical Aspects
  The algorithm requires 0(N*K*( P + Q )) floating point operations.

  The Householder transformations and modified hyperbolic rotations
  computed by SLICOT Library routine MB02CU are applied to the
  corresponding parts of the matrices F1, F2 and G.

Further Comments

Program Text

Program Data
Program Results

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